Expression of things in life and yourself that you feel threatened by. You may feel an urge is sinful, so you repress it. Your dream then presents it as a demon or devil, not necessarily because it is, but because that’s how you see it. Thus, a person who has terrible feelings of guilt about sexual urges, may represent them as a demon threatening to possess them. Therefore a demon may represent guilt, hatred, feelings of uncleanness, aggressiveness or desire for love, and so on. See: Devil; Satan.
Although many dreams about demons are probably reflecting anxiety feelings and struggles we have with moral issues or sex, sometimes the battle with demons can be about our body fighting a virus or bacterial infection. See: devilunder archetypes.
Example: We were trying to cross the hall diagonally toward the exit, but were constantly attacked or haunted by black demons or ghosts. I was fighting them off, but the struggle went on and on as they came back. Then toward the end I had a large pole and I was smashing them aside shouting, “By the power of God within me, I dismiss you” – or words to that effect.
The dreamer says of this dream, “I felt a slightly sore throat as I became semi awake wondering about the dream. I remembered that yesterday I had a flu injection, and what I arrived at was that the blackness depicted serious illness that I had been fighting off. As I was looking at this the black demons became very real for me and I felt I could not really dismiss them as an influence. I struggled and struggled with this, as I had in the dream, but now semi awake. But gradually I became aware of peace, a solid unmovable peace – a steadiness of consciousness – and the steady peace seemed to dissolve any threat I felt. Also the sore throat went.”
This suggests how we can deeply influence our health and recovery by our attitudes.
Example: I had a weird dream last night. I dreamt that someone I know (an old family friend of my parents) had purchased a new house, which was not yet furnished. But the house is apparently possessed by the Devil. We, some friends and I, have been called into the house to analyze the situation. Each time I speak the word Devil or Satan, the lights of the house switch off automatically on their own.
Well, I decide in consultation with the people and in my thoughts in the dream to perform an exorcism on the house. I chant some prayers for the house to be cleansed. (These are Hindu prayers, and parts of Psalm 99 from the Bible). I find myself standing with some friends in front of a life-size rectangular mirror which has been kept against the wall, facing us upright on the floor. When I stand in front of the mirror, I cast no reflection on it. But my friends do.
Throughout the dream, I was not afraid even one bit of trying to challenge the devil or in my entire thought process.Here is an interpretation of the dream’s meaning: I think here is the answer: “When I stand in front of the mirror, I cast no reflection on it. But my friends do. So I hear myself say that “The devil is doing this to the mirror cos I am fighting to get rid of him.””
In the best of Hindu and Christian traditions, you are the Devil because at your Core you are everything. In Hindu there is the saying, “You are That” – or “I am That.” THAT being the Divine. In Christian belief we are told, to quote: “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them”.
As an image of God you are everything. And that is why your dream did the little trick of showing you without reflection in the mirror. Once you realise that dreams create an external reality of our inner world, then an aspect of you become exteriorised. As in past ages this was a world that people lived in, they made the devil and God as exterior to themselves instead of realising the truth about themselves. That we are all, in our core, the divine.
Having watched a person meet the devil in their dream exploration, what they arrived at is very helpful in understanding your dream devil. She saw that her lack of self esteem, her self doubts and depression were like an open door that allowed destructive feelings and fears to enter. These attitudes or feelings may have been inherited from ones recent or ancestral family. She saw these as portrayed as the Devil.
The words demons or evil spirits in the past really meant, ‘invisible but powerful influences that can make you ill in mind or body’. They are what today would be called viruses, bacteria, or trauma we that we are unconscious of.
Useful questions:
If I think of the demon as the difficult feeling in the dream, what (feeling) am I actually afraid of?
Have I been raised to believe certain things were sinful or evil – if so that?
Am I haunted by guilt or something I am ashamed of?
See Dreams are a reflection of your inner world – Techniques for Exploring your Dreams – The Con About Evil – Martial Art of the Mind
I had a dream I was in a cabin with people (there all boys) I didn’t know but had a close connection with them it felt like I was living with them they told me they bought me a new shirt I went and look on my bed the shirt was blood red with a twisted star like shape on it I put it on then I started to hear dark rambling deep voice I got scare and look down at my shirt it turn gray the rambling louder to the point I start tell at it then one of the men was in the room with me smileing laughing I ran to the living room see in two other sitting one drink beer they seem to be ignoring me I was freaking out so bad I thought of my dad then a door open I heard my dad call me rambling was still there I hug him cry he said thank you for finally calming down I felt a sharp sting on my back then I woke up.
Last night I had a dream that I was with two of my friends and we were in one of my friends aunts house. We were walking down the hall into the aunts room and there was a big, tan dresser with three long rectangle mirrors (standing up and down) the mirrors had like a round shape coming out at you. I asked her “what are those?” and she said that those mirrors are the way her aunt communicates with demons but when the demons are trying to get your attention only one person can hear. I heard 3 knocks and I said “like those knocks” (saying that’s how the demons communicate) but none of the other girls heard these knocks. The knocks got louder and louder and actually starting banging, the mirrors were shaking. It was scary. What does this mean?
I just had a dream that I was fighting a demon with a group of friends. At one point it possessed me. Then we went to go study worms and how they have learned to overcome their prey(this is when I woke up). The demon was actually a “girl” who was possessed. We thought that by controlling this girl, we would kill this demon. It was so scary and I didn’t even name the person a demon until I woke up. While I was a demon or possessed, I actually felt numb in the dream and could see a flash of something running which the girl demon told me not to worry about. It was so scary
*in real life* lately I have been having problems with my fiance. He doesn’t have a job and isn’t actively looking for one so I don’t know what to do and am starting to feel resentment. Which then led to menstral inconsistencies.*
Please tell me what this means
For a couple of nights i have been dreaming of the same black demon, stopped for a week or two, and came back strong tonight. I’m trying to figure out the reason why. It seemed like tonight it got so close that i could almost feel those claws grabbing at my face. I saw dead pool eyes. I would close my eyes and it’s like i didn’t close them at all, still feeling like I’m awake in the room. The only difference is feeling the presence of it, and seeing its shadow jump corner to corner every time i blinked. I can hear it’s claws clicking. I am terrified. I don’t know what to do. My partner woke me up, hugging me, telling me everything is ok. My heart was pounding and i felt the rush of fear. I’m afraid of falling asleep now.
Ok I woke up scared at 4:30am because I saw what I’m calling a demon in my dream. I’ve had bad cramping/stomach pain the past 3 days.. And Before I went to sleep I was thinking about bad things I’ve done in the past and for wishing someone to die, I was thinking to myself I really shouldn’t wish that for my own selfish reasons just because this person has wronged me and others… Anyways that person wasn’t seen in my dream… Here’s my dream: My family was moving into an old house (a house I know but haven’t been to in years) I was thinking of ways to fix this house up & so on, the back door kept making a slamming noise like someon was opening it and slamming it. I had my fiancé check it out and there was nothing… Little later in my dream we were laying in bed, this time in our current house, one of our oldest daughters came in our room saying she heard “maybe a squeel” coming from my 1 year olds bedroom, I looked on the baby monitor & he was crawling out of his crib, I got a very bad feeling over me & told my fiancé “go get him. Go get him. Go get him” as he ran out the room a dark shadow appeared on the monitor screen and a big suction noise was made as my fiancé fell to his knees and it seemed the house shook, he said “what is wrong with this house” as if it was the older home we were in at the beginning of the dream. I reached for my phone and that’s when I woke up, scared! .. I always think about what if I saw something like that while looking at the baby monitor but never dreamed it where I actually saw it and now I’m scared to go back to sleep..
I been having dreams about dead people, people who maybe lived before I was born. Every time Im my dreams I am saying” In Jesus name, or reading the Lord’s Prayer” while pushing on their heads with my hand and the other hand with holy oil. What does that mean?
My dream started with me in a new apartment, I recognized nothing inside yet I knew it was mine. I had 4 dogs, and cats I don’t know why, they just seemed to be significant at the time. It started with me seeing things from the corner of my eye. Graduating from the feeling of being watched, things began to move. Doors would close, or blinds would move. I then noticed a black women, always outside of my place. She looked like a random city dweller. When I would take my garbage out she would be at the bottom of the stairs or in an alley beside my house. Which is weird because I have never lived in a city as such. One night I found my front door was open, and I began to panic because my animals were out loose. I ran to look and there she was. Standing. Just standing. I finally yelled at the woman to leave. As I ran back inside I found all of my animals were running around, as if in a panic. My lights in my house began to flicker. Doors started to slam. As I began to feel scared. I
realized that this was only happening to me because I was allowing it to. Just then the woman appeared in front of me. Her face had become distorted and her eyes were dark holes of emptiness. I stood in a paralyzed state not knowing what was happening. She was so close to my face, and I felt nothing but dispair. All of a sudden ‘it’ began to speak. “Why don’t you just give up” “your not worth it” “just come with me” ‘it’s voice sounded like nothing I had heard before. It felt like its holes for eyes were staring into my naked soul. As it reached out its hand, for which I am assuming to take my soul. I began to weep. The weeping became uncontrolled and I began to beg for my life. That I wasn’t done, I was a good person, and that I loved God. The woman began to yell, and the room began to shake as if an earthquake had struck. She yelled “you don’t love God” and laughed at me. As my sobbing continued I yelled to it that I had accepted Jesus as my lord and savior and that it had no power here. This seemed to upset it, for which I have no explanation. All I know is I found what little courage I had and began to yell at this woman, this thing, this demon to leave and never return because my heart belonged to God and I began to sing with my eyes closed. I sang a song from my childhood and for some reason it worked. I opened my eyes and it was gone. I awoke from my dream to actually remember it in full detail as if it had been real. This dream scares and intrigues me because I do not practice religion.
Dear Amanda – Please read this first; http://dreamhawk.com/news/summing-up/
You wrote down your dream so well and how your inner world opens up.
The way I see your interesting dream is that you start with becoming aware of and exploring a new state of mind.
You see that lots of your natural drives are socialised and while things begin to move inside you, you become aware of your natural drives, urges, longings and emotions uncluttered by intricate social taboos, upbringing, culture etc.
You feel that the woman who symbolises your natural drives is evil; whatever threatens our ‘I’ or ego, is often felt to be evil, even if it is natural urges.
Evil is ‘live’ spelt backwards. In dreams the sense or presence of evil is often depicting those things you have so repressed that they are no longer properly alive and healthy. Repression has turned them back upon you making them an internal evil.
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/energy-sex-and-dreams/
When we fight with our own urges they often feel like external agencies – evil forces or a demon – attacking us.
Singing a song from your childhood is like remembering a time when you were still “in tune” with your natural urges and returning to that state of mind does make that the inner conflict – the demon – dissolves.
I do not believe that you have to practice any religion to remember Life (in your dreams) – or your natural state of mind; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/authentic-self/ and to find out what Life/God might be wanting from you; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/prayer/
A way to find your way back “Home” could be to use LifeStream; http://dreamhawk.com/body-and-mind/peoples-experiences-of-lifestream/
Anna 🙂
Hi, I was wondering if you can help me….. Last night I had a dream about me taking me my two boys back to look around the house I grew up in. First we went into the garden and played. Then we went into the flat underneath the house I used to live. It was empty and we had a look around. I then went up the stairs to see my old house, on the mat outside the front door I noticed a few things. There was a bottle of holy water and oil, two pieces of piece written in Latin, on one of the bits of paper it had my full name written on. Also there was some rosary beads and a pair of round framed sun glasses. I tried the glasses on and thru them I saw a demon standing in front of me. I took them off and a nun opened my old front door. She said I needed to go, then she asked if I knew the person who was on the piece of paper and which I whispered that it was me, she said I need to go for my own safety. I then heard the demon whisper in my ear that’s he’s going to get me. I’m so freaked out by this…….. Please help me understand this.
Dear Jen – Thank you for sharing such an interesting and important dream with us. The way I see your dream is that you have a look into your past and the way it has formed you.
Your dream starts with a playful approach towards life and after that you “enter emptiness”.
Because “empty” can have many meanings – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/empty/ – I feel it will be helpful to explore this empty flat underneath the house you grew up in. So try to enter this flat again while awake and become aware of what you are feeling; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/secrets-power-dreaming/
Also what do you associate with “downstairs”? Could it symbolise your sexual self?
What you meet in front of your door is an inner conflict from which you would like to walk away; “She (the nun) said I needed to go”; this reflects not meeting problems in a way that will resolve them.
The items in front of your door could suggest that your natural, free-flowing sexuality is blocked by your religious beliefs.
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/church-chapel-temple/
What I see when you put on the sunglasses is that it shows your unconscious beliefs about what you perceive as “a demon” and which I see as urges you have been told are “evil”;
When we fight with our own urges they often feel like external agencies – evil forces or a demon – attacking us; “I then heard the demon whisper in my ear that’s he’s going to get me.”
Sorting out your (unconscious) beliefs and deciding what you want to do with them is part of growing up and it will take some inner work; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/individuation/
If you choose to do this inner work you could start with using Power Dreaming and for instance carry all the religious items that are in front of your door into the flat you grew up in and just sit with them, the nun and the demon for a while and see what happens.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Anna 🙂
Dear Jen – Another approach could be to (also) use Life Stream;
ok..so Ive had several different demon and devil dreams..sometimes its a little monster demon trying to pull me down off the bed and i struggle with him and pray and ask him what he wants. he doesnt answer just keeps trying to pull me down. another one is the actual devil comes to get me .we struggle and the last one was a lady wth long hair acting like she was trying to come on to me i tried to push her away and she went into me through my bellybutton(btw.i dont like my bellybutton being messed with) what do u make of this?
I had a dream where a demon followed me to my house. Once I got to my house it was outside the door trying to get in banging the door. After a while it got in tried to attack my grandma but I interfered and I woke up
I had a very real dream last night and it really scared me. I was with my partner and we went to an attraction that acted out a past event (sort of like a history lesson) the room was dark and it was a reenactment of a WW2 battle. There were people pretending to be bed on the floor pretending to be dead and the tour guide telling the story. He told us about a battle between the English and German where everyone died. There was a legand that someone had sung a nursery rhyme and a demon had come and killed them. He started to sing a song getting closer and closer to us. At the end of the song his face changed- it was long with big eyes and demonic teeth. I grabbed my partners shoulders who was stood infront of me and we left. Outside the attraction my partner said he would like to go through it again but would like to go to the toilet first. So as I was waiting outside for him the tour guide was waiting at the attraction entrance. I told myself it wasn’t real and that it was his job. He saw me on my own and smiled. He started to sing the song walking slowly towards me. I asked him several times to stop because I knew what would happen at the end. I woke up just before the end of the song terrified. Sorry for the detail, it felt real!
Dear Sinead – Your unconscious mind can be seen as a kind of intelligence that attempts to guide and assist your conscious self. The language of the unconscious is, however, indirect and symbolic, and requires, not interpretation, but efforts made to explore the enormous emotions and feeling hidden in the images of dreams; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/practical-techniques-for-understanding-your-dreams/
The way I see your dream is that something – probably in the relationship with your partner – must have triggered a response/belief that has its roots in your childhood.
Many of our beliefs are unconscious. They were absorbed in childhood and often remain without any conscious evaluation. Dreams also tend to explore where such beliefs lead us, and what the outcome of holding them may be in certain circumstances.
In your dream you kind of relive an inner battle and the story shows that your inner urges were “killed”, because you have learned to see them as sinful; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/what-we-need-to-remember-about-us-3/#Hurt
You now get another chance to look at these denied/”killed” parts of yourself. Seeing something dead in your dream suggests you are realising that some part of yourself, or your feelings, are no longer expressing fully. In fact you may have killed that part of you by denying it, repressing, or freezing it from normal life. The ‘death’ may even have been caused by a painful experience. But even so, it still means you have made a decision – perhaps unconscious – to shut out that part of your life.
Your partner decides to “let go of it”. Going to the toilet is a symbol of letting go of tightly held (sexual) attitudes, the past; acceptance of one’s own natural drives and needs.
Perhaps you can face the demon?
Anna 🙂
In my dream the demon was in this house and it came from a board game but not a oujia board. & there was a rhym that could kill it that I was trying to figure out the whole time. My whole family knew it was here, and at one point after doing everything we could my mom said we should just move. At one point it looked like a little girl sort of see through and sending this goku type shit towards us. Then, before I woke up, I started actually talking to it and it hid Under the bed while we were talking but then came out and it was telling me how it died and it said some sort of disease and got angry and upset. I calmed It down by manipulating it somehow and he turned into a colorful furball and floated towards me and I was scared but laughed and said “that probably why they were attracted to you” and he laughed and said “yeah probably” and then Andy woke me up. I guess it first came out of the closet because I was scared of the closet when I woke up. I never got to find the right rhym to kill it.
“This house” being my house. It looked exactly like it. Everything was the same except the demon of course.
Dear Cici Chapman – Please read this first; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/what-we-need-to-remember-about-us-3/#Reflect
The way I see your dream is that you are ready to have a look at your fears of things/thoughts/feelings/urges in life and yourself that you feel threatened by.
You perceive this as a demon in your dream and because of your willingness to look at it and deal with it now, the demon can leave the closet.
I googled “Goku” and found this:
(Son) Goku is a fictional character and the protagonist of the Dragon Ball manga series created by Akira Toriyama. He is based on Sun Wukong, a main character in the classical Chinese novel Journey to the West. Goku is introduced as an eccentric, monkey-tailed boy who practices martial arts and possesses superhuman strength. He meets Bulma and joins her on a journey to find the wish-granting Dragon Balls.”
So what do you associate with; “At one point it looked like a little girl sort of see through and sending this GOKU TYPE SHIT towards us.”
Martial arts? Your authentic self?
See http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/martial-art-of-the-mind/
When you dare to talk to what you perceive as a demon, you become aware that you are afraid of whatever you associate with “the demon”, which as you could read in this article can be anything you – and your family – have judged as sinful.
While connecting with this part of your inner world you are able to hear that this aspect of you got sick first and then it died and you express your feelings of upset and anger about it.
To understand death in a dream please read the first part of this entry; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/death/
I do not know what you mean with “manipulating it” somehow. Whatever you did it was helpful because of the transformation that took place.
The colourful fur ball I see as a symbol of your wholeness which is floating towards you.
You are attracted to it because feeling whole is a good feeling.
So your dream expresses a daring and wonderful growth process which enables you to move beyond the fear for what you perceived as a demon at first, and what you can now see as part of your wholeness.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/whole-2/
Anna 🙂
Can you help me, for the past couple of days I’ve had a dream that is similar but not the same. It starts of with me going to a friends house and going to a television, randomly I start talking to the television and it talks back, in my first dream I established it was a demon because that’s the only thing he’d reply to. He is making me get a movie for him called 100 mirrors, I’m confused by this because when I looked on google for something called 100 mirrors the only thing that crept up was about women. Every dream I have, if I don’t bring the movie to the demon, he takes away one of my friends and last night he took away the last friend that appeared in all of the dreams. What does this mean. I should probably inform you as well that on this occasion I awoke with a sore throat.
Dear Brad – Because a dream is your own creation, no part of it, no emotion contained in it is something other than part of yourself.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/what-we-need-to-remember-about-us-3/#Mind
The way I see your dream is that you start with becoming aware of an area of yourself you have not looked at and communicated with before.
You have decided that it must be a demon “because that is the only thing he’d reply to”.
I think it means that on some level you are aware what it is you are asked to look at – your inner demon – and you are not all the way ready yet to see that your inner demon is about urges and emotions you have repressed in yourself; so you have projected the demon on a television as if it is “something outside of you”.
It is a very good start to communicate with your inner demon and to become aware what” it needs” to be seen/acknowledged as a part of you.
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/projection/
In order to understand what I believe the demon asks for, you have to understand the difference between projecting and looking into a mirror.
When you project you see your own denied/rejected traits (both so called positive and negative traits) in another ONLY. With this approach you also “blank out” others/your friends like a blank movie screen, and “project” your own image/thoughts/ideas/feelings onto them; so you do not see your friends anymore – which is why you lose them – but you see only what you have denied in yourself first and then projected onto someone else.
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/the-archetype-of-the-shadow/
Because we all have a shadow, we are all likely to project at first.
What you can do after you have “lost your friend” however, is to become aware that you have used your friend as a projection screen.
With this intention, you can then choose to use your friend as a mirror.
Using your friend as a mirror you then can become aware that you are merely looking at a split off/projected part of yourself.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/integration-meeting-oneself/
I believe “the movie” is called a HUNDRED mirrors because much of yourself is involved and asks to be looked at and integrated (again).
It will be helpful to explore this dream for yourself as well, so that you can get a better feeling understanding of your inner world.
See http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/inner-world/#MakesInner
Anna 🙂
I have had a dream about alot of dead people holdin there hands out 2 me and smileing at me in the dream i no who thay r but i know thay r dead every time i start gnin 2 them i always wake up at the same time. i had them all my like. whats wrong with me.
Dear Amanda – Nothing is wrong with you, but you must have been raised with the idea that death is an awful and frightening thing – or similar ideas that have led you to believe that there is something wrong with you. See http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/martial-art-of-the-mind/
That you have dreamt this since your early years shows that you were being offered a talent or ability that few people have – the ability to be able to know the world beyond the thin curtain that hides people from knowing the life of those who have left their body. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/near-death-experiences/
If you joyfully go to the dead people instead of feeling there is something wrong with you they will slowly teach you about their world.
So I had a dream that this guy was trying to rape me and I cried out for Jesus to help me and the man turned into a demon and he quickly jumped back in anger and growled and hissed at me I was so frightened and I changed to myself the name JESUS and it just got so angry and kept screaming at me to stop saying his name then next thing I knew I woke up. It wad very scary.
Dear YoYo – Because you describe the man as “this guy” I assume that you know him and so that is how I will approach your dream.
The way I see your dream is that you feel anxious/guilty/sinful etc. about allowing your sexual feelings and/or the possible idea of having sex with this guy and so you try to fight off these feelings and/or the desire to express your sexuality with him.
You cried out for Jesus to help you AND he did help you by showing you/making you aware in your dream that you perceive a sexual feeling and/or desire as “a demon”; as something that is sinful.
Becoming aware of what is part of your inner world is the first step.
See http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/inner-world/#MakesInner
What your dream then shows is the conflict inside you between what you associate with JESUS – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/jesus/ – and your natural sexuality which has turned against you in anger.
Perhaps you can use Power Dreaming – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/secrets-power-dreaming/ – to learn to allow your natural sexual feelings/energies while being aware that you do not have to ACT upon your sexual feelings if you do not feel like it yet (or because your religion does not allow you yet)?
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/energy-sex-and-dreams/
Let me know if you have any further questions YoYo.
Anna 🙂