Expression of things in life and yourself that you feel threatened by. You may feel an urge is sinful, so you repress it. Your dream then presents it as a demon or devil, not necessarily because it is, but because that’s how you see it. Thus, a person who has terrible feelings of guilt about sexual urges, may represent them as a demon threatening to possess them. Therefore a demon may represent guilt, hatred, feelings of uncleanness, aggressiveness or desire for love, and so on. See: Devil; Satan.
Although many dreams about demons are probably reflecting anxiety feelings and struggles we have with moral issues or sex, sometimes the battle with demons can be about our body fighting a virus or bacterial infection. See: devilunder archetypes.
Example: We were trying to cross the hall diagonally toward the exit, but were constantly attacked or haunted by black demons or ghosts. I was fighting them off, but the struggle went on and on as they came back. Then toward the end I had a large pole and I was smashing them aside shouting, “By the power of God within me, I dismiss you” – or words to that effect.
The dreamer says of this dream, “I felt a slightly sore throat as I became semi awake wondering about the dream. I remembered that yesterday I had a flu injection, and what I arrived at was that the blackness depicted serious illness that I had been fighting off. As I was looking at this the black demons became very real for me and I felt I could not really dismiss them as an influence. I struggled and struggled with this, as I had in the dream, but now semi awake. But gradually I became aware of peace, a solid unmovable peace – a steadiness of consciousness – and the steady peace seemed to dissolve any threat I felt. Also the sore throat went.”
This suggests how we can deeply influence our health and recovery by our attitudes.
Example: I had a weird dream last night. I dreamt that someone I know (an old family friend of my parents) had purchased a new house, which was not yet furnished. But the house is apparently possessed by the Devil. We, some friends and I, have been called into the house to analyze the situation. Each time I speak the word Devil or Satan, the lights of the house switch off automatically on their own.
Well, I decide in consultation with the people and in my thoughts in the dream to perform an exorcism on the house. I chant some prayers for the house to be cleansed. (These are Hindu prayers, and parts of Psalm 99 from the Bible). I find myself standing with some friends in front of a life-size rectangular mirror which has been kept against the wall, facing us upright on the floor. When I stand in front of the mirror, I cast no reflection on it. But my friends do.
Throughout the dream, I was not afraid even one bit of trying to challenge the devil or in my entire thought process.Here is an interpretation of the dream’s meaning: I think here is the answer: “When I stand in front of the mirror, I cast no reflection on it. But my friends do. So I hear myself say that “The devil is doing this to the mirror cos I am fighting to get rid of him.””
In the best of Hindu and Christian traditions, you are the Devil because at your Core you are everything. In Hindu there is the saying, “You are That” – or “I am That.” THAT being the Divine. In Christian belief we are told, to quote: “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them”.
As an image of God you are everything. And that is why your dream did the little trick of showing you without reflection in the mirror. Once you realise that dreams create an external reality of our inner world, then an aspect of you become exteriorised. As in past ages this was a world that people lived in, they made the devil and God as exterior to themselves instead of realising the truth about themselves. That we are all, in our core, the divine.
Having watched a person meet the devil in their dream exploration, what they arrived at is very helpful in understanding your dream devil. She saw that her lack of self esteem, her self doubts and depression were like an open door that allowed destructive feelings and fears to enter. These attitudes or feelings may have been inherited from ones recent or ancestral family. She saw these as portrayed as the Devil.
The words demons or evil spirits in the past really meant, ‘invisible but powerful influences that can make you ill in mind or body’. They are what today would be called viruses, bacteria, or trauma we that we are unconscious of.
Useful questions:
If I think of the demon as the difficult feeling in the dream, what (feeling) am I actually afraid of?
Have I been raised to believe certain things were sinful or evil – if so that?
Am I haunted by guilt or something I am ashamed of?
See Dreams are a reflection of your inner world – Techniques for Exploring your Dreams – The Con About Evil – Martial Art of the Mind
I had a dream that I could see a bird like demon dancing outside in my back yard and I could see it through my back kitchen window. One of my little brothers was was standing in the laundry which also has a window u can view the back with. Hes standing there asking me “why do we have to do this?” And I’m stabbing my tongue with a sharp needle type stick, twirling it around bleeding out my mouth. Meanwhile I see fire and I see the demon twirling dancing outside. And I tell my brother we have to or else..then I wake up.
I had a dream that scared me out of my sleep. In my dream i woke up but it was like i woke up normally because i was in the same spot i fell asleep in. I looked over to my sisters room and there stood a tall, slender black figure staring at me. I asked it what it wanted and it pointed at me then it disappeared. I was very frightened and i screamed and woke up my sister. She asked me what happened and i told her. My grandma is a very spiritual person so we decided i should call her and ask what it means she came right over and was telling the demon he needs to leave me alone. After a while of screaming at the demon she just stopped and stared in fright towards my room. She looked at me and said ‘The light side has left her’ and left very quickly. I called my mom and she came to see me, she said her mother used to tell her about a demon who would come get girls in their sleep. At first if we shined the light at it, it would go away. But after everyone fell asleep i talked to it. He said the only way to rid myself from him is to pass him on to someone else or to die. I told him i would never pass him on to someone else because i would hate for someone to go through that because of me. My sister woke up and i guess she scared him out of the house because he was scaping the walls outside with his nails and knocking on stuff. He found a way back inside i remember screaming at him to leave me alone and him coming closer to me. He touched me and then i woke up.
Dear Frances – Dreaming that you are dreaming can mean a lack of attention to everyday affairs. It can also suggest you are only dreaming; only imagining or that you haven’t woken up to something.
But more likely it is a way to hide feelings you do not wish to acknowledge
What you experience when you “wake up” in a dream suggests the meaning is very significant. Your dream creator is telling you to really be aware of what the dream is trying to communicate.
What I see in the part of your dream after you woke up is that it shows you two ways of dealing with your shadow; a not expressed part of you that you perceive as an inner demon.
A demon in a dream is a symbol for things in life and yourself that you feel threatened by. You may feel an urge is sinful, so you repress it. Your dream then presents it as a demon or devil, not necessarily because it is, but because that’s how you see it.
This part is also called “The Shadow”; “a tall, slender black figure staring at me.”
The Shadow is any part of ourselves that we reject, and so do not allow sufficient expression in our life. We may so dislike aspects of our nature we fail to recognise them altogether and instead see them in other people and criticise them; “He said the only way to rid myself from him is to pass him on to someone else.”
Your dream suggests that you do not like to project your shadow onto someone else; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/projection/
The other option the demon gives you is to die and in the context of your dream I would choose to see it as “dying to your old self” – let go of approaches that do not work – by the willingness to meet your inner demon.
It may take some time to move beyond your fears for what you perceive as a demon and to integrate it, but the wonderful paradox is that by integrating it you get rid of it.
An approach that you can use when you have understood that to “shine the demon away” and to “scare the demon away” does not work is http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/secrets-power-dreaming/ and http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/opening-to-life/
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/evil/
Anna 🙂
I have a dream but i have dreamed it a few times now, where this black tornado like spiraling demon tries to posess my son witch at that time is still a baby. But then this priest helps me and lock me in aroom where we exorcise this demon. But today my dream had a difrent ending. Where a stone of sort fell from the sky that brings this kind of angelic peace and light and when this deamon picked this object up he became almost kind of pure and doing good deeds. But my fear and anxiety stayed thru out the dream until i realised im having the same dream with a difrent ending and woke up
I had a dream that an evil being followed me to a train I was on and attacked everyone’s soul. A lot of people turned and were possessed. My best friend being one of them but I spoke to her and influenced her not to be that way and follow them and stay on the train with me. Afterwards , all the people who turned left the train but there was still an awkwardness in the air.
Dear Kathleen – Your dream may reflect your awareness of other people changing in such a way that they no longer share your “train of thoughts” anymore; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/possession-and-dreams/
It may also reflect your inner struggle against “a power” you may not have clarified so far and so you were not able to deal with it sufficiently yet; “there was still an awkwardness in the air”.
It is up to you to explore if what you perceive as “an evil being” is “evil” or if it is something you are repressing.
Evil is ‘live’ spelt backwards. In dreams the sense or presence of evil is often depicting those things you have so repressed that they are no longer properly alive and healthy. Repression has turned them back upon you making them an internal evil. They therefore need meeting and being brought into proper recognition and expression.
Usually refers to some of our own urges which we have judged as wrong because of moral or social values, and thus denied expression; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/evil/
It will be helpful to explore this dream with the help of your best friend.
To become more aware of what is going on in your inner world, you could use http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/self-observation/
Anna 🙂
So this is the third time I’ve been having this kind of dream. It was a friend and I, in a building full of people and chairs. Adults walking around with devices beeping and what not. People getting taken out of the room if the device beeps too much. So I’m sitting in a chair, and a rusty gun falls in front of me and the clip pops out and bullets roll everywhere. If you’ve ever played fallout, you’ll know what a rusty pistol looks like. Because that’s exactly what I saw. Anyways, I start piecing the gun together and somebody with a device walks by and the device starts going off. The gun is giving off radiation. (So this must be post apocalyptic) and my friend and I end up being escorted out. Since it’s a dream, we leave the building and end up on a street I knew from my hometown. I still have the gun in my pocket. Some reason I meet my old forensics teacher, (name cannot be noted), from highschool. She invites my friend and I to a drink at her home. Again, since it’s a dream, we appear at the front steps and she lets us in. This is when things take a turn for the worst. She asks my friend and I to watch her two little daughters so I agree to it. Now, her and her husband leave apparently. At least leave my sight, and on the couch is me, my friend, her daughter. The other one is nowhere to be found. All of the sudden the daughter with me says “do you know there’s ghosts in my house?” And I look to my left and my friend who was sitting in a chair is gone. As well as the chair. (Lazy boy recliner). I et thrown off the couch onto the ceiling and dropped. I stand up and lights are blinking and swinging and I turn around to see the once before missing daughter playing with toys. I ask her what’s going on (not that she is conscious enough to know at her age) and she’s a demon. She screams and runs up the stairs and I turn around to my friend John trying to kill me. Suddenly, everything seems to connect in my mind. In my dream I just think to myself (alright fuck this. I’m not dying in a demon house today.) so I shoot John in the head and very graphically his brains are blown out. I run into the dining room to see my teacher in a chair. I say hello and she looks at me with no eyes in the sockets and a black face. I grab her hair and smash her head on the windowsill until it breaks and blood and brains are everywhere. I walk back into the dining room to get my book bag and leave. I look up and there are two demons. Both in all black wardrobes staring at me on different sides of the room with black and purple auroas around them. They point at me and start screaming in deep voices. Then everything turns white and I wake up. This is the third time I’ve had a dream that ends the same way but begins and consists of different events. There’s always demons at the end yelling at me then it goes white and I disappear. Somebody please tell me what this means
I had a dream last night, not sure if I can really classify it as a dream or a nightmare. Somehow I knew that there was a man/demon that was looking for me. In my dream, things would go missing from my bedroom. My clothes would be thrown around haphazardly, and my money would be stolen. I don’t remember, but somehow I was getting messages that this demon was going to come for me, because he had been waiting for me for a long time. He told me that he would come take me away when I was alone. In my dream I was terrified, and I begged my parents to never leave me alone, because I was going to be taken away if they did. They promised me they wouldn’t let me go, and told me not to go anywhere in the house by myself. After our conversation, I saw a friend of mine (who was actually someone I’ve never seen before) talking to something in my room. I ran into the room and yelled at my friend to stop talking to the spirit. My dream continued on, and there had been no mention or fear of the demon for a while, but those in between moments are fuzzy.
I was sleeping alone in my room when it suddenly seemed to click into my mind that I was alone. But there was nothing in my room, I rose out of my bed and looked out of my window and there was a man staring at me. He had pale skin, red eyes, and was dressed entirely in red as well. I screamed and fell back into my bed and called for my parents, but no one came. The man/demon scaled the side of the wall and opened my window. He was coming to take me away, but he held out his hand to me. He didn’t jump or attack me. And for some odd reason, curiosity seemed to overwhelm me, and I took his hand. He pulled me through the window.
After that, we were walking in a strange land together. It was foggy, and almost post-apocalyptic like, but everything was a red haze.
Neither of us said anything, but we walked through the desert together holding hands.
The dream had gone from being terrifying, to a strange overwhelming sensation to walk with this creature. I wanted to see what he had to show me.
Dear Alyssa – What a wonderful decision to decide that you want to see what “he/Life” has to show you and thank you for sharing your dream with us.
I hope your dream will serve as a guidepost for other “demon dreamers” and I love to read what you become aware of after the “clouds of unknowing” disappear;
“It was foggy, and almost post-apocalyptic like, but everything was a red haze.”
Apocalypse is derived from the Greek word apokalypsis. Although it’s often used to describe a great devastation or cataclysm, the literal meaning of apocalypse is actually an unveiling, or revealing; a revelation.
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/evil/ and http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/the-lifestream/#Open
Anna 🙂
Wow. I was in a coma dying of sepsis back in 2007. I was only 18. My kidney ruptured due to the infection in my blood. They had to do emergency surgery to repair it and try to drain the infection. During recovery in the ICU I started to wake up. Its a blur, but I was having visions of demons. The nurses who would take care of me were demons in my mind, they were everywhere. I was quite mean to some of them as well. It amazes me that this article states demons can symbolize fighting off infection. Also scares me. I’m currently pregnant with my 3rd child and I just woke up from a horrible dream involving demons or paranormal evil spirits. I’m scared I might have an infection (I often have anxiety attacks about this due to ptsd from the situation) I’m always thinking I have a kidney infection that will be like threatening.
In my dream I was laying in bed with my 2 sons (like I am right now). This was not our usual bed, it was a mattress on the floor. We kept hearing strange noises. Suddenly one of my children dissappear out of thin air and I’m screaming for them and I can hear them outside the door. But it’s not them, it’s a demon impersonating them. Somehow I manage to get my real child back with me and the other one disappears. This happens over and over and increasingly gets more terrifying. At one point I was being repressed by this energy, I try screaming for my husband and I can’t speak or move, it’s holding me down. Finally we are all in a room together and my little son is speaking to me from the other side of the door, but he’s actually in the room with me. I open the door because I can’t resist his voice. He tells me “love the other baby” and fights to get away from me, this child is obviously not my real child. I kept waking up from this dream only to fall asleep and continue the dream. Meanwhile my children both woke up at separate times, crying of bad dreams. At the end of this dream it was as though I was banished by the Spirit to some other land or place (resembled a nightmarish Disney land) and decided to battle it in the form of running and running and trying to escape all the traps it had set up to get home to my kids. This is one of the most disturbing nightmares I’ve ever had. Can’t go back to sleep it’s 4am. Help!
Every nightmare I have always had has a demon in it (or what I believe is a demon). I’ve been having them for many years. The last 2 years have been much worse tho. In my dreams it’s exactly the position I am sleeping in, and exactly where I am at. It’s usually just a dark figure. Either standing next to my bed or standing in front of my door. I know it’s a dream and I keep telling myself that and to wake up. But I am also terrified. And I wake up but something doesn’t feel right and I realize that I am still dreaming. This happens 2-3 times before I actually wake up. But the most recent one. I had fallen asleep on the couch I “woke up” and started to walk to the bathroom but for some reason I went to my mother’s room to check on her I stopped at the doorway and turned around and this demon? Creature? I’m not sure what it was, just ran at me screaming and that’s when I actually woke up. I do watch a lot of scary movies and the paranormal does fascinate me. My mother tells me it’s just because I watched something that just stuck in my head. I just feel it’s something more. I’m not sure, but any help would be great. Please and Thank you.
Dear Amanda – Dreaming that you are dreaming that you are dreaming that you are dreaming is like a huge call from within to become aware of thoughts/feelings that you find difficult to face.
Apart from that your dream shows that it is a first step to the lucid state; being aware that you are dreaming; http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/lucid-dreaming/
The approach you have used so far “telling yourself to wake up” will work if you perceive the verb “to wake up” in the sense of “to become aware of”; “to bring into consciousness what is unconscious still”.
A “dark figure” is also called “the shadow” – a symbol for your own rejected thoughts/feelings (and sometimes potentials) – and it will continue to show up in your dreams because your unconscious mind is trying to help you look at it.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/the-archetype-of-the-shadow/
In your inner world you are in conflict with some part of yourself and when you bring this conflict into consciousness it will lead to recognition of “an alien other in yourself”; this “demon/creature that ran at you”.
Anything moving toward you in a dream usually signifies that you are becoming more aware of it, feeling it more intensely. So this usually denotes that you are feeling something you fear more intensely and are trying to avoid confronting it, either by running away from it or by waking up from your dream.
This is not a good policy, as you can never get away from yourself and it does not serve a purpose to ignore your inner call for wholeness – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/whole-2/ – a step towards recognizing that you are human like everyone else.
A way to continue to make this “shadow part” aware could be to use “Being the demon/creature” and explore what thoughts/feelings arise; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson
Another approach could be to start a dialogue with the demon/creature; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/dialogue-with-a-dream-character-or-object/
Let me know if you have any questions so far Amanda.
Anna 🙂
Hello, I have a question about my dreams. They are exactly like you said in this part :constantly attacked or haunted by black demons or ghosts. I was fighting them off, but the struggle went on and on as they came back. Then toward the end I had a large pole and I was smashing them aside shouting, “By the power of God within me, I dismiss you. But I always see the same demon in my dreams. It has a white face, no nose, black eyes and black clothes it is always happening in my house. And this looks real. With my other dreams, I know I’am dreaming. But not with the demon dreams. But I don’t feel sick and I don’t have a sore throat afterwards. And I didn’t believe in god. But after one of this dreams. The demon put me for a dissicion. Letters appeared on the ceiling. Forming a sentence something like: Do you believe now? And at the same time the demon pulled mij head back when i was sitting on the coutch. Then when i screamd. Yes yes i believr in god now. The demon let me go and screamd i will see you again! Could you please help me?
With kind regards Erik.
Hello, I have a question about my dreams. They are exactly like you said in this part :constantly attacked or haunted by black demons or ghosts. I was fighting them off, but the struggle went on and on as they came back. Then toward the end I had a large pole and I was smashing them aside shouting, “By the power of God within me, I dismiss you. But I always see the same demon in my dreams. It has a white face, no nose, black eyes and black clothes. And it is always happening in my house. And this looks real. With my other dreams, I know I’am dreaming. But not with the demon dreams. But I don’t feel sick and I don’t have a sore throat afterwards. And I didn’t believe in god. But after one of this dreams. The demon put me for a dissicion. Letters appeared on the ceiling. Forming a sentence something like: Do you believe now? And at the same time the demon pulled mij head back when I was sitting on the coutch. Then when I screamd. Yes yes i believe in god now. The demon let me go and screaed I will see you again! Then I stopped having this dreams for a couple of months. Except for yesterday.. then I dreamed about the demom again. And when I woke up because I was scared. I heared strange noises in my bedroom and in my living space area. I never saw a demon or ghost in real life and I’am very sceptic about it. But these dreams are starting to interupt with my night rest. Could you please help me?
With kind regards Erik.
Dear Erik – Please read this first; http://dreamhawk.com/news/summing-up/
I can give you some ideas/thoughts that will help you to change your perception about the symbols in your dreams; this also means that I would translate some of the symbols in your dreams – knowing that you are Dutch because of your IP number – in a different way. Because of the context of your dream and you always seeing the same demon, I would translate that “duivel” symbol as “something evil”. Please also read http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/obsessed-obsession/
Evil is ‘live’ spelt backwards. “Live” and “Life” are symbols that reflect the Presence of a living “God” inside you.
These dreams always happen in your house, because your house is a hugely important and many sided representation of yourself. It is both many faceted and multidimensional.
Although you cannot see it, your mind – your house – along with your beliefs, has a particular structure or form. If the shape of your mind could be built into a three dimensional model, such as a house, you would probably be able to see that your mind has as unique a shape as your fingerprints. But at the same time there would be features of your mental ‘house’ that were very much the same as most of the people within your own culture.
So in dreams the sense or presence of evil is often depicting those parts of “Life/God” you have so repressed that they are no longer properly alive and healthy. Repression has turned them back upon you making them an internal evil. They therefore need meeting and being brought into proper recognition and expression.
In your dream you are exploring if it will work to use the power of “Life/God” within you, to dismiss “the evil” and so to get rid of what you have repressed at first.
The way this repressed “Live” form – what you see as “evil” only – has chosen to help you, is to make you see that you have to really believe in Live/God first – “The demon put me for a decision. Letters appeared on the ceiling. Forming a sentence something like: Do you believe now?” – in order to understand that you can make Live/God into something “Evil” YOURSELF by not expressing It anymore.
So why not take the next step and move from “believing in God/Life” towards learning to express God/Life freely once a week? http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/the-lifestream/#Open
Animals, being the unselfconscious manifestation of how life expresses, when they are ill are spontaneously moved to seek or do things to help the healing process. Animals seek to survive, and learn in the process. Often they are informed by what we call intuition – the nose is a symbol of intuition too and it is missing in “the something evil” – and instinct. But we have those possibilities also, but often muffle them by our conscious desires and thoughts. So open your mind and imagination to the mystery at your core. Let it unfold its wisdom to you intuitively or in images. See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/brain-levels-and-dreams/
To also get a better understanding of the ghosts in your dream I like you to read http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/ghost/
Hearing strange noises after waking up could mean that the dream process is breaking through – a waking dream – and Tony has written a helpful article about it too; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/hallucinations/
I trust this will give you a start and please let me know if you have any questions Erik.
Anna 🙂
I had a dream tonight that a friend of my fiancés sister was talking with a demon & acting weird. Then I saw a women I’ve never seen before & she pocessed by a demon. Thankfully after that I woke up. I honestly feel scared to try to go back to sleep. A couple days ago I had another dream that I walked into a room & it was a group of men. They were lifeless it looked like. They just stood there. They looked pocessed.
Dear Stephanie – Every image and person in your dreams is an expression of your own life process. As such it is alive and intelligent and is something sent to help you. A dream is like a projection from a movie projector, except that you are the projector.
Everything you see as outside you is coming from you, your emotions, your fears, your beliefs, your joys and explorations and are all you, clothed in the dream images and drama;
Your dream suggests that you perceive that certain aspects of you are possessed. Possession refers to an APPARENTLY outside being or influence controlling you, perhaps against your will, or even without your awareness.
I suggest you read http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/possession-and-dreams/ which will help you to make a start to change your perception about being possessed.
Also reading through the dreams and the comments on this page and reflecting on what you read, will help you see things in a different light.
Anna 🙂
I keep having weird dreams about me fighting off demons/demonic creatures. There is one character that is in almost every dream. He is a pig, a huge pig. For some reason I can’t remember what his body looked like. The only thing I remember is a huge flying pig with these huge eagle-like wings. The first time I encountered this demon was in a dream, we we’re fighting in a church. I don’t remember how it ended. Another dream I had there was a bunch of demonic creatures tearing apart a city. Fire everywhere, I remember a big bridge. But in this dream I admit defeat and fly away from the city. I’ve had several dreams with this pig-like creature in it. I always feel like someone is touching my shoulder. I actually feel pressure on my shoulder during these dreams. Its like someone is either blessing me or trying to hold me back. I can’t figure out which one. Please help. I don’t know what all of this means.
Dear Kim Turner – In general dreams recur because there are ways you habitually respond to your internal or external world. Because your attitude or response is unchanging, the dream that reflects it remains the same. It is noticeable in those who explore their dreams using such techniques as described under http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/practical-techniques-for-understanding-your-dreams/ and http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/processing-dreams/, that recurring themes disappear or change because the attitudes or habitual anxieties that gave rise to them have been met or transformed.
So why not try “Being the flying pig” or “the demon” to explore these parts of the inner world you have created? http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson
In your inner world you are the creator. You are doing it right now – creating an inner world. For instance what do you believe, fear, hope for or are driven toward? You are all the time creating an inner world, it is the world of your mind, emotions, fears, personal likes and dislikes, your personal sexual behaviour and your habits.
We tend often to be unaware of the tremendous power of our inner world and simply think of it as ‘Me’ without recognising that we are creating it all the time.
The good news is that once you become aware that you are the creator of this world, you can decide to move beyond your resistance and decide to co-operate with Life/God and start the process of transforming your inner hell into a state of mind that is more loving and joyful.
I feel that the pressure on your shoulder is not about an either/or choice and merely about becoming aware that there are things in your inner world that need to be sorted out; what do you choose to keep from the beliefs/habits etc. you were brought up with – these you may perceive as your blessings – and what do you want to let go of because it is holding you back from expressing your inner potential.
Our dreams can graphically illustrate our beliefs and what influence they have upon our decision making, responses and relationships. The importance lies in the fact that many of our beliefs are unconscious. They were absorbed in childhood and often remain without any conscious evaluation.
One of Carl Jung’s most interesting areas of thought is that of individuation. In a nutshell the word refers to the processes involved in becoming a self-aware and independent human being.
Please also read http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/church-chapel-temple/ to obtain a better understanding of “The first time I encountered this demon was in a dream, we we’re fighting in a church.”
If you stop fighting “your demons” and meet them by allowing the (sexual?) urges and feelings, then you can decide whether this is something you want to keep or something you want to let go of.
Let me know if you have any questions Kim.
Anna 🙂
Last night I had a dream that I was standing beside my bed when smoke appeared in front of me. It then proceeded to form a face and the face was looking at me with an indescribable amount of hatred. I felt like I was surrounded by pure evil and I stood right up next to it and with all my might told it that I was not scared of it. The dream was so vivid and I can’t stop thinking about it to the point it’s keeping me awake.
I just woke up from a nightmare. I have them quite often and I don’t understand why. They are always different I tend not to have the same nightmare twice. The one I just had was about my family and I going camping. We had never been to the camp site before in the dream however I for some reason felt like I had been there and that the toilet block next to our tent should be left alone. Im going to skip ahead here my dreams are always full length like an entire film. Basically some sort of evil demon/spirit thing started to come after us. I was terrified. Some parts were pretty graphic. think paranormal activity etc.. anyways an old woman managed to defeat the demon and I was taking to hospital as I am sat in my bed at hospital a man comes in dressed as a doctor. I say dressed as a doctor because deep down I know he is not one he is the demon. He starts to talk to me about stars and space etc. then I woke up. Never been so terrified. I cried (normally do after I have a nightmare) I have nightmares 2 – 5 times a week. some are mild like teeth hurt and fall out. others are epic horror movies that shake me up for the rest of the day and the next night until I have sleep with no dreams. I don’t know what to do now. I am terrified to go to sleep a lot of the time.
Dear Kate – To learn to understand why you have nightmares, it might be helpful to read
You wrote that you do not know what to do, because of the many nightmares you have.
How about joining the Forum and let Tony help you? http://dreamhawk.com/forums/index.php?topic=296.msg723#msg723
What I see in your dream is that you BELIEVE that letting go of the inner ghosts and demons that you have created in your inner world is dangerous; “the toilet block next to our tent should be left alone.”
The same applies to your BELIEF that the doctor is “the demon”; it shows your fear for healing.
Our dreams can graphically illustrate our beliefs and what influence they have upon our decision making, responses and relationships. The importance lies in the fact that many of our beliefs are unconscious. They were absorbed in childhood and often remain without any conscious evaluation. Dreams also tend to explore where such beliefs lead us, and what the outcome of holding them may be in certain circumstances.
Anything moving toward you in a dream usually signifies that you are becoming more aware of it, feeling it more intensely. So being chased in a dream usually denotes that you are feeling something you fear more intensely and are trying to avoid confronting it.
It is also important to realise that every image, every scary or terrifying thing, is taken place inside you, in your mind, as you sleep. This means that every awful animal, every scary thing or person, is created out of your own fears and must not be seen as outside you as happens in waking awareness. The problem is that we are often scared of or frightened of actually experiencing our emotions and so they confront us in our dreams. Avoiding them or controlling them is like running away from oneself – there is no escape. If you face them and feel the feelings they will transform into personal power.
Anna 🙂
What does it mean to dream of your cat (that happens to be a big black cat named billy) where I was casting a black smokey energy out of my cat, held it in my hand and detroyed it with words I’ve never spoken before??
Dear Tessie – It would have been helpful if you would have given me more information; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/not-enough-information/
What did you feel in your dream? How did you perceive the “smoky energy”?
It is also not clear to me what it is that you held in your hand and destroyed; was it your cat or “the smoky energy”.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/smoke/ and http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/cat-cats/#Black
One function of dreams is to bring aspects of our thinking and feeling which may be ill defined, toward clarification. Foreign or strange language may therefore illustrate something which is being communicated to us from within, but is still not clear. The unconscious, as in speaking in tongues – glossolalia – and of course in dreams, frequently moves toward clear awareness in stages. The strange language is a half-way house toward focused critical awareness, as is a dream. If we bring focused attention to these, as explained in http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/processing-dreams/ the next step – clear verbal expression – can be reached.
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/what-we-need-to-remember-about-us-3/#Levels
Anna 🙂
In my dream, me and and a older lady and younger child were sitting in a corner of a room we going threw things and wrapping presents. While we were going threw things I found a cross necklace. Once I grabbed the necklace I turn and felt a heavy presence and saw a tall built black man come walling around the corner hallway to me and giving me a deep mad look that I had the cross in my hand. So I began to get up grab the lady and child and tell them we needed to leave, but once I got outside he flew and got closer and ripped the cross away.
In the dream I remember called the girl my mom.
At the point of him ripping the cross away and throwing it I woke up.
Also Ive never been in the house I dreamt about.