Dream Dictionary


Feeling oneself or something is damaged or changed from its rightful function or property. To be bent in body often suggest weakness, but also sometimes wisdom depending on the dream.  To bend over means that […]...More

Benign – Benignant

The difference between anxiety or problems and feeling relaxed and well. Something like wedding ring bent could suggest a warning that all is not well, or to show how it has been damaged or broken. […]...More


Usually change, maybe changes in direction or effect as with bend in a road. Perhaps a bend might indicate loss of power or effectiveness, a giving way. Also to bend something means to use force […]...More


Relaxation with possibility of companionship, a resting place in life or a down and out feeling. The bench is often something we might share with others in a public place, so might suggest your connection […]...More


The degree to which we identify with, feel connected with, and perhaps even defined by our belongings, is clear to see when they are either stolen, or abused by someone else. Belongings may therefore represent […]...More


The feeling of being accepted or belonging, whether within a family group, a social group or in ones culture is of deep importance to our emotional health. Where a dream portrays this in any way, […]...More


You can simple exist without thought or motivation and so ‘be’. You can in a dream know yourself as another being, such as a different person, an animal or a different state of mind. Or […]...More

Behead Beheading

Literally about losing your head. This can mean that you are losing your ability to think and remember, or it can be a positive thing to lose all the wrong thinking and start anew. It […]...More


The buttocks have many possible associations. Sometimes it connects with feelings about uncleanness or dirt. Also, like any orifice of the body it is a vulnerable place and so might link with feelings about being […]...More


A reminder or a sense of a communication with another person that hasn’t got through to you yet. An intuition of another person’s need for you. Something nagging for attention. It can also be an […]...More

Cell – Mobile Phone

For many people it is their constant means of communication, for others it doesn’t figure in their life. Desire or attempt to communicate or being communicated with. An attempt to make contact with an aspect […]...More

Bed Wetting

If one dreams of it but does not wet the bed: This is possibly to do with allowing yourself freedom of expression, but with worry about social condemnation or propriety. If not that, there may […]...More

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