Dream Dictionary


Male sex organ, expression of hate or destructiveness. See: Arms....More


There can be several felt associations with Christ or Jesus. The first might be whatever you feel about organised religion. In this sense Christ could depict the forces in you that create moral pressure from […]...More

Christen Christening

Traditionally the rite of christening represented the acceptance into the community of a new being. A name was given by the parents and recognised by the community. This may still be the meaning in some […]...More


An outer inactivity, while you are inwardly going through great change. A new aspect of yourself getting ready to emerge, or sometimes a desire to retreat from the world. See: Butterfly....More

Church Chapel Temple

This indicates your religious feelings or beliefs, including the moral code you live by, or your feelings, negative or positive, about organised religion. So the church can represent the attitudes and morals you hide behind […]...More

Cigar Cigarette

In some ways smoking a cigarette is like drinking alcohol. This is because it has a mind altering or consciousness altering influence. Like alcohol it changes the way we feel or respond to life, and […]...More


Films often portray on the screen elements of our own inner world, with its fantasies, fears, trauma and passions. Looking at the screen is like looking at a mirror in which you see portrayed your […]...More

Circle Circles Circling Round

Yourself; personal identity; wholeness. It suggests a good harmony between all the aspects of your being – thus a feeling of pleasure, centeredness and openness, physical, mental and spiritual; may be used to depict the […]...More


This may associate with feelings either of losing some sexual power, or of cleaning the penis. But of course it may also be associated with being Jewish, or having being parented by those like Moslems […]...More


The arena or circle of consciousness in which we can watch the instinctive drives and see how well they are socialised or brought under control. All the instinctive, physical, passionate sides of one’s nature. But […]...More

City Town

One’s relationship and interaction with other people, society, and all the opportunities and diversions city life offers. Therefore the dream may show something of the many choices you make or can make about your direction, […]...More


Emotional withdrawal. Some part of your feelings may be closed up. The clam suggests there is some sort of outer hardness to protect a sensitivity or hurt. Often the defensive shell we use to avoid […]...More

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