Dream Dictionary / S

Spell Having a spell put on you, or casting a spell, can indicate an event that has caused a powerful association between an event, a situation or a person, and strong emotions, either positive or negative. […] More Speed Progress, or lack of it. A state of tension, patience, desire to get somewhere. Also the intensity, or lack of it, of your feelings or the experience. Perhaps, if the speed is terrible, it shows […] More Speech To make a long speech suggests a desire to express yourself, to make yourself understood, to see your inner feelings at work in the world, to be acknowledged. More Spectrum Something showing many possibilities. The range of your own personal experience, view or emotions. See: Colour. More Spectacles Glasses represent attempts to understand things; the attitudes which colour your view of life; the ability to see or understand. Therefore broken or lost glasses might show you not understanding a situation that confronts you. More Spear This has many meanings depending upon how it is used in the dream. It can depict male sexuality, but usually in the form of confidence or self affirmation. Such power can of course wound, oneself […] More
Speak Speaking Spoke This depicts some form of communication, often between your unconscious view of life and your waking self, or between an aspect of yourself that does not dominate your behaviour, and your mainstream self. Difficulty in […] More Spark What sparks you off – what is the spark that makes you interested in life and being creative – where has the spark gone. More Spacesuit There are many possible associations with this. One is that you are entering a new and possibly dangerous situation or environment, and you need to protect yourself by being aware of what you face. So […] More Spaceship Your means of exploring reaches of inner experience beyond the limited awareness given by the senses. Therefore might mean exploring ones inner resources through intuition, or opening new aspects of mental function or experience, such […] More Space When we dream of space we dream of opportunity, the opportunity to explore, to build in the space, to explore our imagination in creativity. There is so much opportunity in a large space some people […] More South The genital area of self; warmth, lightness, feelings. In the southern hemisphere: Coldness, darkness; death. In some countries, as in South America, southern USA, the south may symbolise different attitudes, as to the coloured population, […] More
Soup This might be sustenance, sustaining or strengthening emotions. But it depends what is happening to the soup. If spilt it can suggests making a mess of things, or feeling insecure about a social event. Offering […] More Sound Sounds Noise Sound in dreams are similar in impact to sounds we hear in waking. They carry information to you very directly. So you feel fear or pleasure depending on the sound. Therefore the important thing its […] More Soul Mate I receive so many emails saying people thought they were soul mates and are terrible disappointed. The only soul mates that I can experience that are truly what they presented themselves as are our own other half. This […] More Song Singing Songs are a very important part of many peoples life and creativity. Huge and enthusiastic crowds gather to hear women and men sing the song of their lives. These songs are the crying out of […] More Son Feelings or worries concerning a son. Growing part of self. Hopes or worries about the future. Your extroverted self; desires connected with self expression; parental responsibility. Dreaming son is dead: A mother often kills off […] More Solicitor Someone you believe you can trust to help you face or deal with issues of social law, injustice or property disputes.  See: Lawyer. But if you get ‘wrong’un’ it may be like this – money, ‘that […] More
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