Bicycle Cycling
Personal effort or motivation which gets you somewhere. For many people a bicycle was their first experience of mastering a body skill and gaining greater freedom. In your dream it might therefore represent youthful freedom or enthusiasm without responsibilities, the perseverance and confidence to master a skill, mental balance – confidence – which enables one to achieve ones goals. It could mean facing dangers in learning a skill or confidence or even adolescent sexuality.
Cycling can also refer to the cycles of feeling or mood we pass through. So it can imply that one is experiencing a cycle which you may be trapped in. The way to get out of this cycle is to step back from it using observation, this is like stepping back and not be lost in the emotions or moods. See self-observation and letting things happen
Bicycle race or riding with many other people: Dreams often use this scenario to represent an overall view of your situation in life. It shows how you feel about your place in the human race, whether life is a struggle or pleasure, etc. See: race.
Falling off bike: Losing balance – losing confidence; awkwardness; vulnerability. This could also suggest a problem occurring in your chosen direction, a failure of your energy or ability to achieve.
Flying on bike: The magic of believing in yourself and therefore being able to achieve things that would otherwise be seen as impossible.
Pump: This often seems to link with sex or masturbation as in example.
Example: We walked a bit further and came to a hut beside the road. we laid down behind the hut in some long grass to make love but suddenly I saw a snake and jumped up. It turned out to be only a bicycle pump but by now we were aware of other people nearby and the moment had gone.
The snake and pump in this dream are obvious links with sexual desire.
Riding a bicycle downhill: Taking or facing a risk; being daring; need for care. It might also suggest ‘going downhill’ in the sense of losing advantage, losing the ‘high ground’.
Stolen bicycle: If you are using the stolen bicycle, it suggests a feeling of needing someone else’s skills or confidence’ of not having developed your own initiative or life skills. If you have had your bicycle stolen, then it is a feeling of losing your ability to get on through your own efforts; loss of enthusiasm or confidence.
Example: I was walking up a hill pushing a bicycle. Several other people went by riding theirs but that didn’t worry me. I went on up the hill and could only gasp in wonderment when I got to the top – I could see for miles and everything was in the most wonderful colours you could ever imagine. My first thought was ‘How wonderful God is to create such a beautiful world for us.’ I thanked him then and there. I thought ‘I wonder if it is like this behind me?’ as I looked around, right up close to me was what seemed like a huge black wall. As I looked along the wall, right at the end the marvellous view started, this continued round to the side of me and in the huge expanse in front. I can’t remember any road or pathway going down the hill, onwards. Muriel M.
Muriel’s dream presents what she feels about life when she sees it as a whole. The bicycle and her relationship with others illustrates that she doesn’t see herself achieving as much as others, but this does not perturb her, or rob her of her wonder at life. The black wall suggests that the past, the territory she has already covered, is now gone and only what she lives and creates in this moment is before her.
Example: I am in a bicycle race with many other people. I come to a very long hill. It is difficult and I have to push my bicycle. It takes me until midday. When at the top I meet a lot of family. Then I cycle on, realising that because the road is flat, I can go much further before nightfall than I covered in the morning. Anthony.
Anthony was in his late forties at the time of the dream. It shows him feeling as if the first half of his life has been a long difficult climb. His assessment or intuition of the second half of his life is that it will achieve much more, or cover more ground and he will have more human and warm relationships, represented by his family. The bicycle represents his personal efforts to deal with life and his place in the human race.
Bicycle wheel: Like any circular thing, it represents your wholeness, the best of you. If you have lost the wheel or it is damaged, it shows you have lived or done things in your past that have lessened your effectiveness in life, and you are trying or ought to deal the failure in daily life.
Example: One of my wheels had broken. Apparently a new wheel was supposed to be in the room, which was like a spares store. I looked in a cupboard on the left of the room, but although other people’s wheels were there, I couldn’t find mine.
On exploring this dream the dreamer he saw that, “The dream was given to show the difficulties now coming into your own life. The wheel represents that wholeness which you seek and need. The wholeness is broken from past lives. The wheel reminds you that your journey up on the trackless way must have this wholeness. When you lost this wholeness, you lost your proper relationship with my light, life, and love. This must be found within the future.”
Useful Questions and Hints:
Is this depicting my personal effort to move and change in life, or is indicating my life as a whole?
Are other people involved and in what way?
What attitudes or skill are shown in the dream?
Maybe Acting on your dream will help.
Can you help me interpret this dream? It has many different symbols.
First I am in a bowling alley with my brother and two friends. My brother leaves to go get something he forgot at home. Angry that he left I decide to use the time to go to the bathroom to change clothes. On the way two girls are rude to me. I shout some sarcastic remark back at them through the bathroom window. Soon everyone outside comes to the window and mocks me because my pants are all the way down. I have no underwear on and try to pull the pants up, but I can’t. I become so angry at the rudeness of the people at this bowling alley that I insist my brother must take me somewhere else. He is back and agrees to take me to the mall instead, but he is just going to drop me off. I am upset because I feel that my brother is not doing his part to stand up for me and only one of his friends, another girl understands. Soon they drop me off, but now I am riding a royal blue shiny motorcycle trying to find my way home. At first I do great on the bike driving pretty fast, but safe until it starts to get wobbly. I recover when it wobbles, but a few more wobbly times later and the bike topples over. Its not a scary or painful crash, just an annoying topple. I try to get back on the bike, but I can’t regain my balance so I end up having to walk the bike. Now I am walking it down a dirt slope which has branches and is slippery. I keep falling with the bike and every time I slip I begin to cry tears of frustration. Finally I fall down a slope and duck as the bike goes over my head. A police officer nearby offers to help. Now my bike has become an orange tiger and the police officer questions if its the tiger he’s looking for. He decides it isn’t and him and his female partner walk away. As my tiger and I continue walking on I find my path is blocked my branches that I must crawl through. I run into the tiger the police were looking for, its a white striped tiger. It bites my arm and I try to pry it off me while calling for my tiger to come help. My tiger comes and saves me from that tiger, but only a few steps more away and I am bit by another animal. My tiger comes to rescue me again and I call for the police to get their “Bad” tiger. Then the dream ends.
Hi – It would help you to understand your dreams, if you would read – http://dreamhawk.com/news/summing-up/ and also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/features-found-on-site/ which has so much information in.
Nothing can replace your own ability to understand your dream. With a little effort you can do this by practising what is described in – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson or http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/getting-at-your-dreams-meaning/
Carry – In dreams, things are not the same as in waking life. People are very confused about the difference between their waking life and their dream life. They believe that what they dream is the same as what they meet in waking life. Most of us interiorise our morals or beliefs into our dream life. In other words we take as a truth that what is important outwardly is as important inwardly. In other words you are as upset by a dream as if it had actually happened in waking life. Such mistakes make us feel things that are ridiculous.
Every image and person in your dreams is an expression of your own life process. As such it is alive and intelligent and is something sent to help you. A dream is like a projection from a movie projector, except that you are the projector. Everything you see as outside you is coming from you, your emotions, your fears, your beliefs, your joys and explorations and are all you, clothed in the dream images and drama. So when you dream of someone you should not feel you are dreaming about that actual person. As with most dreams, the person in the dream is not the person themselves, but is a collection of memories, associations and feeling about him or her.
There is a theme running through your dream, of you feeling mocked when you exposed who you really are – undressed. The crowd mocking you are your own feelings about yourself; and you become angry.
On the motor bike, which is a great machine, you wobble until you can ride no more and have to push. This shows how your feelings are ruling you and you cannot deal with everyday life. Again you are annoyed.
You start looking at what you are doing as if you are in the right – the policeman, indicating right and wrong. The police walk away.
You have two tigers in your life, the good and the bad tiger. The tigers are your own female strength, which can express as positive or negative energy; thus the anger. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/brain-levels-and-dreams/#mammalbrain
Maybe also see http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/secrets-power-dreaming/ – http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/martial-art-of-the-mind/
I was riding my bike, it was smooth when it started,however the pedals started to be difficult as it went along, and atlast i used all my effort but the pedals stopped.
Hi – I am stopping from answering your posts fully – but will try to give hints; sometimes long ones because I quote from masses I have already put online. Also, I need to take time to update the site – dreamhawk.
It would help you to understand your dreams, if you would read – http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/questions-2/#Summing and also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/features-found-on-site/ which has so much information in.
Nothing can replace your own ability to understand your dream. With a little effort you can do this by practising what is described in – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson or http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/getting-at-your-dreams-meaning/
Dave – The dream is basically about you trying to get somewhere by your own efforts. But despite that it doesn’t work.
So ask yourself where you are trying hard to get to, and why it isn’t working.
I had a dream last night that I was riding my niece’s bike, she is 12 and acts like she’s 16…if that makes a difference. I was riding the bike and the it literally crumbles below me, coming apart in many pieces. I have a feeling this dream has something to do with obstacles related to my niece. What are your thoughts.
Hi – I am stopping from answering your posts fully – but will try to give hints; sometimes long ones because I quote from masses I have already put online. Also I need to take time to update the site – dreamhawk.
It would help you to understand your dreams, if you would read – http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/questions-2/#Summing and also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/features-found-on-site/
Nothing can replace your own ability to understand your dream. With a little effort you can do this by practicing what is described in – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPersonOrThing or http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/getting-at-your-dreams-meaning/
Dreams about someone else are usually about yourself at that age. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/characters-or-people-in-dreams/
Try using http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPersonOrThing
Hello dear,
I had a weird dream. I dreamed that a black dog was licking my feet and it was trying to lick me at my upper body just under my clothes. After that, i saw myself riding a bicyle on a vast area. The sook was kinda orange red and it was very vast and open area. As i went riding on my bicycle, soon I started to fly veryyyy high as i was cycling kinda downhill. I was able to see where i was landing and was screaming…not exactly in fear but fun. As i landed, i flew again very high and my eyes wwre fixed on the ground where I was to land. I was screaming again. I landed safely and took another flight. Basically i was landing at different smll areas of the same vast area. Then i suddenly woke up and it was 10:50 am. Can you please interpret this dream. As I am looking for another job these days, this dream may help. Thanks
Hi there, I dreamt of I was in a resort with people that I know but their faces was unfamiliar, while being their I remember I brought 2 shoes , 1 is rubbershoes the other was flat one.For a while. I was taliking with some friends I was in a room, one with the friends with familiar friends then there’s another.room.with.few people, I was peeping then I decided go that room, its like a classroom but the teacher it like a pastor or priest.the teacher /priest was sitting waiting for the class.Ithen he began, then I listen for a bit. Then the next thing I know I was outside my friends says that we are leaving,I was walking then I realized I was walking barefoot. I then came looking for the two shoes. I ask around I they find my shoes, it seems the rubbershoes, a friend borrowed it but she said its already ruined,then the other was returned to.me in good condition..Knowing we are leaving, I just wanted to ride a bike. I saw a cyclist bike then.I stroll a few blocks , then when I realized that I might bike too far and they might leave without me I go back .Then I woke up.
What could be the meaning of dream?I hope you can give me a good one.Thank you very much in advance.
Hi – I must take time to upgrade the dream dictionary, so must halt from answering your posts – I started revising the dictionary in 2006, and haven’t neared the end yet. I believe someone else may start giving interpretations.
So, for a while I urge you to read http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/i-am-no-longer-interpreting-dreams/ – It describes ways that can help you. And often it would help too if you looked at http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/questions-2/#Summing
Here are some useful techniques.
Try to understand the dynamics of your difficult response. If it is not easy to find clarity, look to your dreams for help. Look for intuition for help and seek the cause. (http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/using-your-intuition-1/) For instance a woman radio researcher was offered the job of presenter, but was on the verge of refusing. She dreamt an air raid attack was taking place and she jumped into a ditch to hide. From the dream she realised she was scared of being out in the open – in public view and possible criticism. This enabled her to deal with the anxiety.
So when you clarify the situation, take time to talk to yourself as if to a child or animal. Explain why the reaction takes place and a way of moving beyond it.
Carefully look through your emotions and take note of recurring themes. Possible themes are – love – satisfying or otherwise; looking for something; running to or from something; trying to find your way; hiding; being trapped; starting something; building or renovating; relationship; being with others; being alone; leaving things or people behind; death; birth; growth; fear; digging, and so on.
Take one theme at a time and work with each of the emotions expressing that theme. Because it recurs it suggests there is a habitual response involved. So imagine yourself in the situation you are working with and create a different end by imagining it again and again. Rework it so it is more satisfying. For instance if you are always passive in your response to events or people, imagine yourself being more dynamic and forceful. If you are always relating to unsatisfying men/women, change the image to one in which you gain satisfaction.
As you work in this way, carry on until you see a shift in the feelings you experience. Also, aim to become more aware in life. And search for the roots of the habit and how to change it.
This next technique is incredibly life changing. But it has to be made into a habit by using it frequently until it becomes active in the background of your waking and sleeping life. If you do not have time for the other approaches simply use this one.
Start by imagining there is a mirror within you. This mirror is your awareness or consciousness. The things you think or feel are images that pass across that mirror and for a while have existence in it, but they all shift and go. Only the mirror remains. When this is fairly clear, sit and watch what is in the mirror of your awareness. Notice if it is a thought, a feeling, a body sensation, or a memory. Give each one a name such as – This is an opinion, this is a thought (such as an image of something you have seen) – this is an emotion – this is from something I read – this is a conjecture about an experience, and so on.
As you get used to this, imagine standing in the midst of your feelings. Use one at a time. Hold onto the sense of your naked awareness being something that is not the feelings, fears or trauma, or even pleasure that play upon it. As you review each of these say to yourself, “These people, emotions and images depict passing life experience and thoughts. I will realise this while I sleep and transform frightening or unsatisfying feelings. I will remember myself as the shining mirror.” See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictio…/steps-in-problem-solving/ and http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/questions-2/…
Hi Tony,
Yesterday night I had a dream of ridding bicycle with my ex-boyfriend. At first he was ridding it and I was sitting at the back. It was a uphill way. Suddenly we were hit by another bicycle. None of us were injured but I decided to ride. So my ex-boyfriend sat at the back. This time I struggled little to get uphill and reached a place surrounded with some farms.. we didn’t stop and kept riding to some more distances..
Please do reply.. as I am not sure what this dream signifies.
Hi – I must take time to upgrade the dream dictionary, so must halt from answering your posts – I started the revising in 2006, and haven’t neared the end yet. I believe someone else may start.
So, for a while I urge you to read http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/i-am-no-longer-interpreting-dreams/
Also, here are so ways you can find your dreams meaning – http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/questions-2/#Summing – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/getting-at-your-dreams-meaning/ or http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson and http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/opening-to-life/
Hundreds of questions about your dreams have already been answered if you scroll down to the very bottom of the page were people’s questions/comments were replied to. Also, see http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/questions-2/
See – Difficulties; hard work or effort; the first half of our life; or life itself if it feels like an uphill struggle. Climbing a hill can link with the rising feelings of passion or sexual pleasure, or the transition from expressing energy genitally to expressing it in less physical ways. Such a shift from a lower mood or sensation to one felt as exhilarating or lighter is often shown as ascending.
Example: I was walking up a hill pushing a bicycle. Several other people went by riding theirs but that didn’t worry me. I went on up the hill and could only gasp in wonderment when I got to the top – I could see for miles and everything was in the most wonderful colours you could ever imagine. My first thought was ‘How wonderful God is to create such a beautiful world for us.’ I thanked him then and there. I thought ‘I wonder if it is like this behind me?’ as I looked around, right up close to me was what seemed like a huge black wall. As I looked along the wall, right at the end the marvellous view started, this continued round to the side of me and in the huge expanse in front. I can’t remember any road or pathway going down the hill, onwards. Muriel M.
Muriel’s dream presents what she feels about life when she sees it as a whole. The bicycle and her relationship with others illustrates that she doesn’t see herself achieving as much as others, but this does not perturb her, or rob her of her wonder at life. The black wall suggests that the past, the territory she has already covered, is now gone and only what she lives and creates in this moment is before her.
Example: I am in a bicycle race with many other people. I come to a very long hill. It is difficult and I have to push my bicycle. It takes me until midday. When at the top I meet a lot of family. Then I cycle on, realising that because the road is flat, I can go much further before nightfall than I covered in the morning. Anthony.
Hi Tony, last night i had a dream that i was riding a bicyle with my exgirlfriend around what it looked like a big rounded fountain. At some point we rode to the outside and she led the way into a series of doors and hallways. Everything was white and high celling. She entered one of the doors and asked me to follow her. inside this huge bedroom i only saw a big golden bed and to my right, 3 older persons sitting at a table, 2 woman 1 man, almost like a council. The man stood up and asked somthing to my exgirldfriend and, she then asked me a question of an event of my life and my anwser was 9 years. After that i cannot remember what happen. PS: i stilll have strong feelings for her. Thank you!
Hi – I am sorry to suddenly stop replying to dreams like this, but I must upgrade the dream dictionary – I started the revising in 2006, and haven’t got near the end yet.
So for a while I urge you to read http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/i-am-no-longer-interpreting-dreams/
Also here are so ways you can find your dreams meaning – http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/questions-2/#Summing – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/getting-at-your-dreams-meaning/ or http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson and http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/opening-to-life/
Because your ex was guiding you – making your own efforts to get somewhere – she in your dream is best seen as your inner female – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/archetype-of-the-animus-jungs-view-of-the-male-in-the-female/
You entered a part of you that links with your past because the love you feel is a huge power of transformation – see http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/lifes-little-secrets/ and http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/opening-to-life/. She was leading you to see more deeply in you – see http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/the-unconscious-2/
My son had a dream that my ex, his deceased father and I were riding bikes. His father offered him a bike, but it was broken. What does this mean?
Punkin – First, I am guessing that the dream about his dead father, was probably also about his inner father. We all have an inner father equally as powerful as an external father. We have taken in millions of bits of memory, lessons learnt, life experiences along with all the feelings or problems met by loving and living with your father, and they are what makes you son the person you are. This is true even if your father was never there for you – you still have all the memories of him not being there for you filed under ‘Father’. The memories and experience we gather unconsciously change us and are not lost. It is part of you and is symbolised in dreams as a person or event. Such an inner father can appear in dreams because you are still deeply influenced by what you hold within you.
The dream suggest that the fathers attempt to aid the boy toward independence was not a good example for him.
My father wasn’t there as an example of becoming a man either, but if he can find a role model, perhaps in books and stories that inspire your son, it can help. Always encourage his attempts to become independent. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/individuation-independant
I had a dream last night I was riding bike. I was riding through forest and there was another road parallel with mine. On that another road my ex-boyfriend was riding bike too. We were trying to see each other through trees between our roads. and at the end, our roads become one road, there is no trees between anymore and we were happy because finally we can see each other. All the time in dream we were leading over bikes and riding fast until our roads merge into one.
I had that dream last night and we broke up three days ago.
I keep getting a dream in which I see myself riding a bicycle with height of almost 3 floors and when I look down a sudden fear grips me as to how I would get down from the bicycle
I had a dream last night that was really strange – try and stay with me here.
I was a stripper with 3 other of my friends but we didn’t work in a strip club. It was in some sort of town hall and it was for a mans 83rd birthday. Then I remember trying to get into an Irish bar but they told me i was underage, I showed him my ID and he told me it was fake. I found a BMX and then decided to ride it. I was riding really fast on the motorway, overtaking the cars and then out of nowhere a white van appeared driving the other way and hit into a car causing a huge crash. Neither of the people that were in the crash were injured but they were both smoking a cigarette. It was a man driving the white van the wrong way and he was angry and shouting at the lady driver who was involved in the crash even though it was his fault.
This has to be one of the oddest dreams I have ever had…
Hi tony,
my mom previous night saw my younger brother leaving home in a bicycle with his clothes and some important documents. is this any related with his life.
Diwakar – I doubt very much that your mothers dream was about your younger brother. Most of our dreams are a reflection of what is taking place in the mind and feelings of the dreamer. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions-2/#Summing
Such dreams of the son often occur when a child is becoming independent. It can occur as soon as the child starts school, persisting until the mother finds a new attitude. But also at any time when the child shows signs of becoming independent. A mother has spent year of her life caring for and hoping for her child, and it is difficult to let them go. Part of the problem is that their whole life was built around such care, and what will take its place.
I was with my husband at a U2 concert. Something was happening there but I do not remember. Then I ended up taking my bicycle (not riding) because I realized one of the handles, where you squeeze the brakes was broken and fell off but could not see it.
I took the bike to the ferry and I was very upset that I lost the handles or they fell off which is weird thing to happen.
Then a lady, working at the ferry, told me the ferry is not leaving any time soon why do not I go and look for my handles…maybe I will find it on the way I came from.
I was like OK so I tracked back my steps leaving the bike on the ferry. I came back after few minutes and the ferry was gone with my bike. I was so angry and yelled at the woman to say you should have told me the exact time the ferry was leaving so I could have come back. I also said something about how expensive my bike was! I told her it was actually cheaper than it was and said it was like $300 to $400 when in reality and in the dream I knew it was over $500. She looked hurt and I was embarrassed. So I apologized and said I am sorry about that. I should have asked when the ferry was leaving so I could have come back on time. I was also feeling a bit angry at my husband for not helping me look for the handles.
This dream was so vivid, I woke up feeling it actually happened.
What to make.
The night before. I dreamed about having a torn blouse (beige colour) and one of my co-worker saying something like I should not buy cheap clothes. (I was not wearing it. it was on a table and my coworker and I were looking at it)
I feel they are related.
So my bike was stolen a few years ago and I still remember how it looks like.
So in my dream I was riding my bike the one that was stolen. I was riding it past and in the campus of the elementary I attended when I was small. Also when I got off the bike I either holded the handles as I walked or carried the bike primarily using my right arm. As I was walked I saw only a few people I knew.
So thanks if you reply or read it
Dear Mariann – Unfortunately you do not describe how your dream figure feels when she is riding this bike that was once stolen; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson
If riding the bike in the campus of the elementary you attended when you were small generates good feelings, then it may be time to consider what happened to your inner child; to her daring and her curiosity that enabled her to learn new things.
Do you feel that the way this inner child used to express herself is still a part of your being?
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/child/
Anna 🙂
Hi Tony and Anna!
I had a dream last night of a bicycle, yet I was just looking at it. It was brand new, and had never been ridden. I was in awe of it, it was the coolest looking bike I have ever seen – there were absolutely no right angles or sharp angels, everything was rounded and smooth. It looked almost retro, but it was very futuristic and black. It was in a small showroom. Is there any meaning behind just looking at a bicycle?
Dear Veronica Kaye – Your dream bicycle may reflect the possibility of choosing in the present for a new, smooth way of “moving ahead” in a possible future – “it was very futuristic”.
“It looked almost retro” may reflect the idea of looking back so that you can choose what you want to keep from your past and what values, beliefs, habits etc. you want to let go of.
Sorting out is part of the individuation process; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/individuation/
I wonder if you have considered doing any form of inner work, which thoughts may have triggered a dream like this.
In your post you mention “looked and looking” four times, so you may feel like exploring the role of observer in your waking life; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/self-observation/
Perhaps also http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/opening-to-life/
Another way to explore your unconscious thoughts and feelings is to use http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson for your own dream figure and for the bicycle.
Let me know if you have any questions so far Veronica.
Anna 🙂