Exploring your dreams – Steps in Deeper Understanding
Example of understanding your dreams – Help to unravel that wonderful background of information in your dreams – Introduction to features that can guide you – Learning to explore dreams – The many things dreams are can show you
Many people see dreams as nothing more than fanciful, but dreams are more than dreams. If you think of dreams as similar to an icon on your computer desktop, you can arrive at a fuller insight. This is because each dream image holds enormous data, emotional response, and created patterns of behaviour. So in considering any dream image you need to remember you are in touch with a full surround databank of fantastic information about you, your past and your possibilities through the dimension of dreams. You can interact with this information by exploring it in the right way.
Example of understanding your dreams
As an example I was recently asked by a man who had given no thought to dreams how on earth you could extract any meaning from them. He was wearing a fairly old T-shirt, so I said, “OK, let’s imagine you dreamt of your T-shirt, what would you make of that?”
After a while he said, “I don’t know that I would make anything of it.”
My response was to say, “Right, but now tell me where you bought the T-shirt, and what memories it has for you.” Whereupon he told me very full memories of being abroad, and that the shirt was part of those memories, and he wasn’t prepared to say what they were as they were so personal.
The important point is that everything we see and deal with, every person, every imagined scene, has such a background of feelings and perhaps memories. It is exactly this background of feelings and information that the dream weaves its story from. To understand it you need to become aware of the usually unconscious feeling responses you have in connection with every thing, place, person and animal you fill your dreams with.
Help to unravel that wonderful background of information in your dreams
This is why Dream Dictionary, a revolutionary new app that is something I hope can help you unravel that wonderful background of information in your dreams. Dream Dictionary contains an entire library of searchable terms that you’ll be able to reference anywhere you have your cell phone with you. A world where we know more about ourselves through our dreams would undoubtedly bring a better life-skills to us all
Dream Dictionary contains an entire library of searchable terms that you’ll be able to reference anywhere you have your cell/mobile phone with you.
You can find a number of ways to can gain further insight into your dreams through the following features. Firstly by typing in what you what to find in the search. Then you can search the incredible riches of the Dream Encylopedia. Some suggestions have been placed in order to give graded instruction.
Introduction to features that can guide you
Magical dream machine – Key words – Language and dreams – Emotions and moods
Learning to explore dreams
Dream Processing – Peer Dream Exploration – Talking As – Acting on Your Dream – Animals As Dream Figures – Characters and People in Your Dreams – House in Your Dreams – Power Dreaming – Your Guru the Dream – Here is an audio example of Tony exploring a dream: Conversation.
The many things dreams are can show you
Archetypes – pregnancy and dreams – Brain hemispheres – Brain levels – Dream lovers –– ESP and dreams – Healing action within dreams – Hypnosis and dreams – Incubating dreams – Intuition in dreams –– Lucidity the new frontier –The man in your dreams – Meeting in dreams – Menstruation and dreams – Movements during sleep – Myths legends and fairy tales – Near death experiences – Nightmares – Night terrors – Nutrition and dreams – Out of body experiences – Paralysis while asleep – Past lives in dreams –- People in your dreams – Philosophy of dreams – Place or environment – Plot of the dream – Possession and dreams –Precognition – Pregnancy dreams – Premenstrual tension and dreams – Reincarnation and dreams – Relationship and dreams – Rocking during sleep – Secret of the universe dreams – Secrets Learned From Dreams – Self regulation and fantasy – Sequential dreams – Serial dreams – Series of dreams – Sex and dreams – Sex while asleep – Sleep apnea – Sleep walking –– Spiritual life in dreams – Sub personalities – Sleep talking –
Hi Tony, I’m loving the site. 🙂
Do you provide a personal interpretaiton service? Sorry if iv’e missed it somewhere!
I have a rather long dream and have no idea what to make of it!
Jay – Thanks for your encouragement.
Yes, most of the Discussion Forum or Features give you an opportunity to post your dream and have it interpreted; though it usually takes time.
If you click top right in Discussion Forum – or any nay page there is a Leave a Comment form on the right you can leave a dream.
I had a dream in which i was hacking people i didnt know.Random people.Once somone knocked on the door and i quickly stuffed the hacked body in a bag and threw it out of the balcony.Then i got scared that i will be caught this time.But the next day it rained heavily.And i went outside to see where i threw the bag.And i could see body parts flowing out of the bag.The ear the arm.All parts disappeared in a drain and i felt really relieved.I expected now the police cant catch me.Also i saw an iguana running in somones drain pipe.I felt happy to imagine that the person hen he enters his room will be shit scared when he finds that iguana on his bed.What does all this mean??
my mom had a dream that her sister was mad at her veacuase she had placed her sisters 6 month old baby in a one gallon ziplock bag. That kind of scares me.
Sean – A zip lock bag sound as if your mother’s sister might be pregnant. That is one of the ways pregnancy is described in a dream.
If it is not that, then it seems to be suggesting that your mother is not happy and feels that her sister is not giving the baby room to live and breath. Is she over caring for her child?