Frog Frogs
Any amphibian and reptile depicts your basic spinal and lower brain reactions, such as fight or flight, reproduction, attraction or repulsion, sex drive, need for food and reaction to pain. This includes the fundamental evolutionary ability to change and the urge to survive – very powerful and ancient processes. Your relationship with the amphibian in your dreams depicts how you deal with such urges in you, and how you deal with the impulses from the ancient part of your brain – probably the spinal brain. (Thanks Melissa).
The deeply unconscious psychobiological life processes, that transformed us from a tadpole/sperm, into an air breathing frog/adult – therefore the process of life in general and its wisdom. The enormous information such symbols hold if we explore them gives them their power. It can also suggest a meeting with what we find difficult or repulsive in life and ourselves, that if we can accept it transforms into personal potential and power – the frog into the prince story. It is often a form of love that transforms the dark sides of oneself, the toad or beast, into something that is life enhancing. It can also be sub-personality, an aspect of ones character that is usually unconscious, but occasionally shows itself in behaviour.
The frog has also been associated with the power of resurrection and renewal.
Frogs spawn: Sperm, ovum and reproduction. It can also occasionally show as a doorway to another dimension. See: sub-personality; Autonomous Complex
Example: I felt close to a woman, and we were holding hands. Together we walked into a large building. I believe my woman companion had been in the place before. I say this because I was feeling slightly uncertain and she was feeling confident and supportive.
Inside the front door of the building was a wide passageway probably about 15 or 20 feet wide. Not far along this passage something completely filled the space ahead. It looked like frogs spawn, but much more ethereal, perhaps like patterns of energy with just a little material substance. With no real hesitation the woman and I walked into this wall of energy. I believe we knew more or less what would happen – that we would be absorbed and become wholly a part of this life form. As we walked into it I was trying to analyse what was happening and what it felt like. I lost all sense of my body as a dense form, but I could still feel my partner’s hand in mine in a very delicate way – again like energy playing upon energy
It can also relates to being a little frog in a big pond, or pointing our that like frogs, you are jumping from one thing to another, or perhaps moving forward in leaps and bounds.
Frogs were linked with the Egyptian frog goddess Heket. It was associated with the flooding of the Nile. The association was made because when the Nile left its riverbed, millions of tiny frogs also appeared. So frogs represented abundant life and fertility to the Egyptians. An image of the goddess was worn by pregnant women as a talisman for a safe birth.
The frog and the princess who aids the frog to transform in a prince are about the power of transformation in our inner world. The things we despise or avoid are often – in our dream world – the things that have wonderful qualities of transformation.
Because frogs lay a mass of eggs they are symbols of fertility. This can represent the creativity you have unconsciously, or sometimes it is dreamt when a woman is pregnant.
We have a brain in us that is there because of our evolutionary history as a reptile. See Reptilian Brain. Perhaps because of that Joseph Campbell felt that the frog is another example of the dragon and other frightening monsters whose role in mythology is to guard treasure. The reptile/dragon represents the dark and frightening aspects of ones own nature; the huge instinctive feelings we usually resist or repress. The treasure is your Core Self, which enables one to attain real womanhood or manhood. That is why the frog has also been associated with the power of resurrection and renewal.
Useful questions and hints:
What deeper levels of my life process or of survival drives am I becoming aware of?
Is there something of myself I am repulsed by and yet could be transformed?
Do I still need to emerge from dependence into a fuller maturity?
See Being the Person or Thing – Avoid Being Victims – Jesse Watkins Enlightenment
I had a dream that I was pulling LARGE frogs out of the back of my left leg… It was like I could see their heads sticking out so I pulled 2 of them out. I could get their whole body out but had trouble pulling them out when it came to their back legs… The holes in my leg where they were was a perfect circle. There was no blood just white goo… This was definatley the strangest dream I have ever had…
I was peeling off something that looked like a black frog/toad that was stuck on my back knee and as I peeled it off it somehow appeared again. It was black, shriveled and dry. It kind of bothered me.
Hi I just had a dream the other night that I was in some unknown empty house almost like it was a house that was being built an I was checking it out. And all of a sudden in one of the empty rooms there were tons an tons of little baby frogs! They covered the floor an I just sat there watching them all wondering why they were all there. Any thoughts about the meaning of this dream?
Dear Ashley – All the symbols in your dream relate to your potential to create life in the broadest sense possible and the meaning I see here; “I just sat there watching them all wondering why they were all there.”
Why are they all there? http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson and http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/dream-incubation/
Anna 🙂
I had a dream where an area on the top of my hand, where I had a wart removed a while ago (it has been healed for months) had a small frog growing underneath it. The skin over it was very thin and I could see it swimming back and forth. I was already at the dermatologists office when I noticed it, it wasn’t there when I first got to his office. He said he saw it but they don’t remove them unless they bother people. I remember feeling mortified and panicked that this frog was growing under my skin. It was disgusting, I had no idea why it was there, where it came from and I most definitely wanted it out. I walked around the office trying to find someone to get it out and it kept growing rapidly. In what seemed to be like an hour the frog was almost full grown and in this huge bubble of skin on top of my hand. ( my left hand, but I’m right handed if that means anything). I was still walking around trying to find someone to “get this thing out of me” and I was really panicked by now thinking I can’t walk around like a freak with a frog in her hand, and the frog fell out of the skin on top of my hand, (the skin had always been very thin and transparent) landed belly up and started dying immediately. It left the top of my hand with a huge flap of skin hanging from it and bleeding a lot. I rember thinking why is it dying and feeling sorry for it. (I’m a huge animal lover and hate seeing any animal or insect suffering). A nurse came, took my bloody hand and started walking me to a room saying, here lets get that taken care of and my alarm woke me up.
I have never had a dream about anything growing under my skin and this is up there on the weirdest stuff I’ve ever dreamed. Any idea what it might mean?
Dear Jennifer – A wonderful dream you have created to help yourself become aware of something.
What I see in your dream – and please explore it for yourself as well http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/dream-yoga/ – is that you become aware of feelings about personal failings or some sense of not being as good or acceptable as other people.
The doctor – a symbol for your rational thought – is aware of what is going on under the surface of your mind and expresses an attitude that sounds like; “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”
He knows that we all have flaws – in your dream that is expressed as we all carry little frogs under our skin – and as long as we can accept them, they do not have to be “removed”; “He said he saw it but they don’t remove them unless they bother people.”
Do you feel that when you become aware of a small flaw or a small failure or some sense of not being as good or acceptable as other people that you overreact and therefore respond overly emotional; “In what seemed to be like an hour the frog was almost full grown.”
Can you imagine that it helps to stay rational as well? http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/secrets-power-dreaming/
Can you understand that whatever you think about, you have a feeling reaction to? http://dreamhawk.com/news/avoiding-being-my-own-victim/
The last part of your dream shows that when you decide to change your thoughts – I can’t walk around like a freak with a frog in her hand – the feelings that are caused by the way you think will “die” – and the frog fell out of the skin landed belly up and started dying immediately.
The wound shows how you have only hurt yourself with your thoughts and feelings; you have become your own victim.
You feeling sorry for the frog could be caused by you mixing up your waking life – in which you hate any animal or insect suffering – and your dream life, in which it was a wise decision to let go of feelings that are hurtful to yourself; that make you suffer.
I also see the dying frog as letting go of your “inner drama”.
Each of us lives an inner story that we often enact over and over again in our daily lives.
By “growing your awareness of this inner drama” – the positive side of the growing frog – you become aware of it and with awareness you were able to let go. We can only change something if we are aware of it; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/self-observation/
Letting go of our inner drama may feel as a loss at first, because when we have identified with our inner story and our feelings, letting go of it/them feels like part of us is dying.
We also might be confronted with the question that “if I am not my inner drama and if I am not my feelings”, then who or what am I?
Let me know if you have any questions Jennifer.
Anna 🙂
So I’m currently trying to conceive, last night I had a dream I was in large field, I seen 2 large green frogs together and off a little further I seen a really small frog, hoping this means I’ll conceive soon lol
I dreamed that I was gagging and frogs started coming out of my mouth connected with this muscle white substance I knew that after I was done they were all gone what does this mean am I in danger of something or is God trying to tell me something please help
I had a dream that I was walking through a landfill. It was very dirty and I even remember seeing a dead body and a plastic black trash bag. I was with someone but I can’t remember who. Then I saw an unusually large frog. I pointed it out to the person and he picked it up and threw it to get rid of it but it landed right on my right hand! it’s mouth clasped onto my hand. I screamed and shook my hand to get it off and it did come off. Ifermenter feeling so disgusted. That was the end of the dream. Can you help me interpret this?
I just woke up from, what i think was 2 dreams. I was trying to keep my child away from a boy who weirdly was alone and wouldnt leave us alone, i was scared of him. The people in the neighbourhood said he was fine but i didnt trust him and we kept walking quickly to get away from him. Then i remember waking up in what was sort of like the inside of our house, the floor was wet, i thought my mum had mopped (she doesnt live with us), then the water got more like a puddle. I walkd out to the patio and my mum was there with a broom sweeping water off, she was crying, i asked what was wrong, she said the seains are blocked but they cant find where, she was panicking. It was raining but not bucketing down. We walked around the corner and she started having a panic attack, i calmly told her not to worry and it would be ok, once she was calming down, i looked up, on a chimney type thing there was a big frog, about dinner plate size, it was black with like white finger painted markings and bright yellow bits, i was amazed by it. it was puffed up and cranky looking, but beautiful, a bird came down and tryed to get it, it leaped at me startling me. We turned around and i was looking for it, i seen it in the grass and it leaped back towards me and up onto the chimney puffing up again. Then the deeam stopped.
I should also mention that crows bring me messages and i have had a couple fly towards me or wait and hover over me then leave. I have read this means death. I have tried to google the dream meaning, but i seems ut could be alot of different things.
Hope you can help.
Thanks in advance.
I am curious what my dream meant exactly, I had dreamt that I was in a town not familiar to me yet my husband and I lived there. I went outside while he slept and saw 2 beautiful frogs, one green and blue and the other green with a white glitter appearance. I returned to our home and woke him up and told him about these beautiful frogs and how I wished to catch them and suddenly a woman whom I called Mom but was not my mother appeared and was ready to assist me in catching the frogs while my husband stood behind me saying we have a fish tank you can put them in but if you use that for frogs just know we can never put fish in it. I then walked out the door to go after the frogs and that’s when I awoke…. Can you please help me in understanding the meaning behind this??
Dear Mary – I can share with you what I see in your dream when I explore it; it is good to realise though that you are the creator of your dream(s) and so the one who can truly explore and (learn to) understand it (them).
See http://dreamhawk.com/news/summing-up/
The way I see your dream is that you are about to enter a new stage of life and you become aware of the process of Life and the different choices you have as far as expressing Life is concerned.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/energy-sex-and-dreams/
Your husband is sleeping in your dream and this merely reflects that he is not aware of “the frogs”.
This could refer to your husband in waking life and/or your inner husband; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/husband/#InnerH
With your intention to catch the frogs, help is available in the form of an archetypal energy; the Great Mother.
The mother is also the great source of nourishment, or fertility, of bringing forth the new in a creative act. She represents the condition in which we can stand beyond preconceptions and receive an influx of divine newness.
The Great Mother may represent unformed or largely unconscious feelings we have about how we are linked with the process of life, and have within us the splendour of this mystery. For a woman this may be particularly potent at times. It connects her with the forces of death and renewal occurring within her during every menstruation. It connects her with the tremendous link with natural forces of mothering and the strength of womanhood and the female principle in the Earth and universe.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/archetype-of-the-great-mother/
Fish in a tank can be a symbol for pregnancy.
I think that your (inner) husband is not really aware that expressing Life is not about an either/or choice in your (inner) world; or it must be that you are at an age that you are entering menopause and so you will not be able to be physically pregnant anymore.
On the level of your dreams and so your inner world you are always able to give birth though and so to be creative; http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/questions-2/#WomCreative
I hope I could give you a start with what I see as an important dream.
Anna 🙂
I dreamt of a beautiful green frog with a long tail, I recall pulling the tail to which the frog turned into some sort of dragon, the tail of the double creature punchers my right hand in the dream which didn’t bother me, feeling of calmness and reassurance if anything. Just wondering what this dream could possibly mean?
Best wishes
Dear Georgina – – I can share with you what I see in your dream when I explore it; it is good to realise though that you are the creator of your dream(s) and so the one who can truly explore and (learn to) understand it (them).
See http://dreamhawk.com/news/summing-up/
The way I see your dream is that it expresses a process of transformation in a nutshell. Pulling in this context suggests the active release of inner forces, feelings, ideas and energies etc. which bring about a change; a feeling at ease with and touched by the wonderful process of Life.
It is good to realise that a dream is something that comes from a deep part of you; it is something that is working upwards toward being conscious. As such it often, like a seed, takes time to break through to the surface, and then it has to grow. This means that dreams are often not recognised for their full meaning until later – sometimes months or even longer. The dream images are attempts to communicate something that has probably never been thought about or even been consciously thought about, so has never been put into common conscious thinking before. It is a communication from the depths, from beyond thought, and so any interpretations that are given by thinking may completely miss the point.
But the source of the dream, which is a process of Life, is intelligent in its own way, and will take part in any attempt to communicate. So exploring your dreams by entering into their imagery and attempting to understand them will be a two way process.
See also http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/lifes-little-secrets/
Anna 🙂
I recently had a dream that I was in a room with all these frogs they told me to describe them and I didn’t want to and I was scared but when I pulled the skin off of the frog all this black mud came out of it losing out of it and then appeared a lobster as his heart I don’t know what this means and confused please help
Dear Alice – You managed to overcome your resistance to look at and describe what you see “when you open up”, which is a wonderful start of opening up to what is part of your inner world.
Mud is like clay, it is a substance that can be moulded, and so may present the idea of your basic memories and emotions that were shaped. Mud may also symbolise healing, as it contains all the elements of the past, which we need for completeness.
The fundamental primordial, sensual, slimy basis of life and how we relate to it; emotions which cause us to feel bogged down; past experience which may hold us back, but has enormous growth potential in it; the healing possibilities of our body and its minerals.
Our mind is a fantastic and multidimensional area. It holds all that you have even been – most of it unconscious. You still hold the original primeval slime in your testicles or the wonderful eggs that are part of the flow of blood that was the start of life. You are still a cellular creature. You still have within you all the levels of being, the reptilian brain, the mammalian brain and the human brain. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/brain-levels-and-dreams/
When you release the “black mud in your life” you become aware that you have built a defence around your heart as a means to protect yourself from the mud.
Sometimes this defence is a way to survive the problems we are confronted with as a child.
See http://dreamhawk.com/health-and-healing/inner-baby-and-child/
I believe that your dream asks you to explore if you still need/want this protection now.
Anna 🙂
I dreamed a frog that had climbed to the top of a high wall was caught in a spider’s web. I threw two erasers at it in an attempt to save it, but they didn’t reach the web. I threw a third underhanded and with my eyes closed; when I looked up again, the frog’s head had been caved in, and I had the impression that the web had been constructed so that disturbing it would crush the frog.
In the same dream, my killing the frog was met with a great deal of scorn from gradually more people, until I was ostrasized from a sizable crowd (none of whom I recognized.) The dream ended just as I told one of the older members of the crowd to take up his grievances with a child – a little girl – who had expressed a desire for the outcry to stop.
I can’t for the life of me figure out what this could mean.
Dear Caroline – This is what I see you are exploring in your dream; it starts with you trying to overcome an obstacle.
A wall is a symbol of codes of behaviour, belief systems, attitudes – often unconscious – you live within, or are protected by; the boundaries of behaviour or thought you keep within, are fearful of extending beyond, or are trapped by – thereby what one feels to be barriers or restrictions.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/beliefs/
While trying to overcome this obstacle you become aware of the next obstacle – like a (sticky) situation you perceive you are trapped in – where other aspects of yourself and so other people are involved as well.
We each have a web of family, friends, and acquaintances, including ancestors, who make up our inner self, and your dream suggests that you perceive the web in a negative way only; it is withholding you to move on.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/individuation/
So you do your best to undo/erase whatever you perceive as keeping you trapped, and eventually you use an “underhand” approach that you are not aware of and/or that you do not want to look at yet.
It is only afterwards that you become aware; “I had the impression that the web had been constructed so that disturbing it would crush the frog.”
Quoting from ‘Women’s Ways Of Knowing’ Basic Books. ‘Webs and nets imply opposing capacities for snaring or entrapment and for rescuing or safety. They also suggest a complexity of relationships and the delicate interrelatedness of all so that tensions and movement in one part of the system will grow to be felt in all parts of the whole. In the complexity of a web, no one position dominates over the rest. Each person – no matter how small – has some potential for power; each is always subject to the actions of others. It is hard to imagine other ways of visioning the world that offer as much potential for protection to the immature and the infirm.”
Errors are made to learn from.
The dream continues with (inner) conflict and with you in the position of the outsider.
You wrote; “I can’t for the life of me figure out what this could mean.”
Perhaps you can start at this point to explore this role by “Being the outsider” how she appears in your dream and then continue to use this approach for every other person and image in your dream too; like “Being the frog, the eraser, the crowd, the little girl” etc.?
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/archetype-of-the-outsider/
At the end of the dream it is your child self who expresses her desire to solve this (inner) conflict – is it her need to belong? – and your dream figure is willing to give it some effort too.
So perhaps you feel like having a talk with the old man and the little girl? http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/dialogue-with-a-dream-character-or-object/
Anna 🙂
I had a dream last night where I opened my door looking into rain and there was a little boy right there and he said his name was Sammy(which is my name), he was following a frog. Then he ran away I looked at the frog, it was mutated and had way more legs then it should… Then it jumped on my and wouldn’t get off and I freaked and woke up.
Dear Samantha – Opening a door is a very powerful thing in a dream and the way you describe your dream it suggests that you are releasing feelings and observing them; looking at your inner world.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/self-observation/
I will share with you what I see in your dream AND I feel it will be very helpful to you if you explore the symbols in your dream as well, especially the little boy and the frog.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/practical-techniques-for-understanding-your-dreams/
What I see in your dream is that this little boy symbolises a part of you that is willing to explore what it is like to be led by intuition and/or instincts.
Allowing these drives or urges cause a transformation. I see this transformation expressed not only in the frog, but in the little boy as well.
I believe that it fills the little boy with Life Energy; running can be a symbol of flowing life energy.
A part of you – symbolised by your dream figure in the dream – is afraid of change and of the Life Energy which causes change and so this part is afraid of the enormous potential this energy has; “more legs than it “should” have.”
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/energy-sex-and-dreams/
Power Dreaming is a tool which can help you explore your fear and move beyond it – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/secrets-power-dreaming/
Anna 🙂
I had a dream last night, that I had several frogs being pulled out of my left leg, then I had a huge gash on the side of my leg from all the frogs being pulled out from my leg. There was blood on the frogs, from being inside my leg. When I looked down on the side of my leg, I could see the torn skin-gash-and blood. What does this mean? It was TRULY the strangest dream I have ever had!
I don’t feel like I can trust this reading because you constantly referred to the frog as a reptile. It is an amphibian. If you are in fact relaying information which pertains to reptilian animals then your advice, where it corresponds to reptilian meanings, is incorrect.
Sorry Melissa – You are right and I hope the rest of the entry was okay because it wasn’t built around my wrong classification but experience of exploring many frog dreams.
Meanwhile, thank you.