Hung Hanging
Quite a few dreams show someone, or yourself, hung by the neck. There are many possible things this might indicate. For one thing it definitely links with is death, the fear of death or the possibility of death. Such a death might be the result of self sacrifice, as shown in the Tarot card of the hanged man, or it might be as the result of social action – the cause and effect of things we have done; a punishment because of feelings of guilt.
However, many hangings are due to suicide, and so might in a dream reflect depression, loss of any pleasure in life, a retreat from pain, or feelings of hopelessness or guilt. See Suicide
Hanging on: Anything that hangs depends upon the thing it is hanging from or by. So hanging in a dream shows a state of depending for support on one thing, as shown in the dream.
It also shows dependence, fear of falling or lacking support. Or it may be you have found something to hang onto that actually supports you in an otherwise difficult situation. It is then helpful to define what it is in your waking life that is giving such support.
A person who is hanged: Awful repression of self expression, to the point of feeling dead or depressed. See: Neck.
In some dreams however, there is a different sense of the hanging. It suggests not a death but an almost complete suppression of the life in one. A strangulation of the flow of pleasure and creativity that would otherwise stream through one. In such a case the rope needs to be removed and a new way of relating to oneself developed. See Exploring Dreams Techniques to use – Masters of Nightmares and Secrets of Power Dreaming
One can be ‘hung up on guilt’, or things are hung on something. In which case see Plot of the Dream or Processing Dreams
Useful Questions and Hints:
Do I see someone hanging by the neck or is it me?
Do I often depressed or unable to express myself adequately?
Is there someone or something that gives you support?
If you are dreaming of suicide explore the dream to find answers?
See Techniques for Exploring your Dreams – The power of Habits – Avoid Being Victims – Self-Help Techniques To Use
I never remember my dreams but I can still see this image perfectly. I was at a public restroom, at like a rest stop perhaps, and I was in line talking with the woman in front of me. Nothing special just standard small talk. She went into the stall and ended up taking for what seemed like forever. Then I went to knock on the stall door to see if she was ok and the door sung open and the woman had hanged herself in the stall. I can still see the woman’s image so clearly! I’ve never seen her before in my life but she was a middle aged woman short and of a little over average weight with long curly black hair. Her face is what really sticks with me though. It looked terrified and like she had been dead for awhile (blueish). Any ideas???
Dear Heather – Unfortunately you do not mention your age in waking life.
What I see in your dream is that you have stopped really expressing yourself other than “small talk”.
The restroom is a place where you can let go of or get rid of things you wouldn’t usually expose publicly. This usually refers to things you feel or things you might be ashamed of, but can also be about sexual matters.
Hanging yourself in a restroom reflects that this need to let go, to express all of yourself, is repressed.
The woman is a stranger to you, because she may reflect an unrecognized part of your behaviour.
The good news is that you can change your mind; http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/opening-to-life/
See also http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/extending-your-awareness/ and http://dreamhawk.com/body-and-mind/peoples-experiences-of-lifestream/
Anna 🙂
I had a dream of my best friend being hung my his wife, he was on his knees saying “I’m doing this for you” why are you punishing me. She stared at him tied the rope around his neck and pulled the rope up over the beam under there house and he hung quietly until lifeless. I was screaming at her to stop but she couldn’t hear me, I couldn’t move to save him, what does this mean please, help me understand this it’s upsetting.
I had a dream where there was a big group of kids including me, waiting to be hung by this one old man. I can’t remember exactly what he looked like, but he had white hair and he looked pretty normal, except he was terrifying to me. He specifically told us “You have one hour.” I was with one guy the entire time clinging to his arm. We were trying to find a way to escape but everywhere we turned we were surrounded by people who didn’t want us to leave. I remember feeling defeated and hopeless. The hour was up and they began putting us in line on a structure and putting the ropes on our necks. I was holding hands with the same guy with my eyes closed. When the floor beneath me dropped I felt no pain, no feeling in my body at all. Everything went black and I remember falling on a floor. It made me think of how when the older televisions would turn off, with the black borders coming together in the center and makes a sound before shutting off completely. The scene morphed into my bedroom, and I was on my bed. The same man who killed me whispered “You could either wake up right now and this Can all be a dream, or you can never wake up again.” And then I woke up, and that was the end. Fin-Jackie Edited by her older, charismatic, peaceful, tempered, handsome, silver-tonged, patient, caring, loving,
Last night I dreamt that my bf and I were in the car driving somewhere. He was driving and I was sitting in the driver’s seat. On the side of the ride was a small construction site with a very large crane. As we were passing by I glanced over for a brief second and what I saw was a black man hanging from a rope tied around his neck and dangling off the crane. I immediately started screaming and pointing at him. I kept fumbling over my words as I tried to frantically explain to my bf what I just thought I saw. I told him I saw a body of a man who looked like he had committed suicide. In my dream I was convinced it was a suicide and we needed to call the police right away to tell tem what I saw. I suggested we turn around and drive back to make sure I had really seen it. Then I woke up…just so we’re clear, I’m not at all racist and I haven’t seen any movies or shows showing this. I have recently become very interested in working with crystals and self improvement. I am learning a lot about spirituality and I have been meditating more often. Just wonder if any of this is connected and what kinds of messages this dream might have for me. Let me know what you think 🙂
Dear Sara – Your boyfriend driving might suggest you are being passive or are in a learning situation with him. Or perhaps you are being influenced by or dependent on his opinions or emotions or desires?
It could also show another aspect of you driving your decision making, so make sure the direction is to your liking. For instance anxiety or emotional pain may lead you to make many decisions, so they are then the driving force in your life, rather than what might be more satisfying.
See also http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/the-driving-seat/
What you become aware of in your dream is a “fleeting glimpse” about something that you need to explore so that you can reconstruct – make sense of – what may have happened in your (inner) life; http://www.psychalive.org/the-importance-of-making-sense-of-our-pasts-by-daniel-siegel-m-d/
Unfortunately you do not share how your boyfriend responds in your dream; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson
You can use this tool to explore every symbol in your dream – including the black man who has hung himself – as you need to click on them to “make them come alive”; http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/clicking-on/
Seeing a black man who has hung himself may be a symbol for those aspects of your inner world or unconscious mind that you (and perhaps also your boyfriend) may have never met and expressed before.
Perhaps you feel like exploring your dream with your boyfriend?
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/peer-dream-group/
At some point you may have had this “fleeting glimpse or intuition” in your waking life too and practicing self-observation or mindfulness helps you to become aware of those aspects in your (inner) world that need your attention; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/self-observation/
Does this give you a start?
Anna 🙂
thank you for the reply this gave me a good idea of what my dream could possibly point out in my life. A lot resonates with me. It makes sense to me that being in the passenger seat could symbolize me being more passive. We’ve both seen that I am influenced by his emotions and attitude. In my particular dream from my first post, I remeber that I was stuttering and crying having a hard time trying to explain to my bf what I had witnessed on the side of the road. I told him we should call the police and suggested we turn around and go back to make sure I really did see what I think I saw. I’m pretty sure he acted a but puzzled and confused at first but I don’t remember if he said anything to me but I think right before I woke up from my dream he was just about to turn around the car and go back for me. I think maybe the black man who was hung in my dream may have symbolized a part of myself as you said that I have repressed which would explain the more passive role I’ve decided to actively put myself in in my waking life. However, I am trying to be more conscious of myself and how to try not to be so influenced by others opinions or emotions and to start doing some self work and doing things that serve my highest good. This is actually something my bf has brought up to me on several occasions and it hadn’t clicked until right now. He just doesn’t always have the best way of telling me but basically he wants me to be more self aware and speak up for my wants and needs and not always be so passive.
Dear Sara – It may also help you to get a deeper understanding of your dream when you read http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/archetype-of-the-animus-jungs-view-of-the-male-in-the-female/
Good Luck with your inner journey!!
Anna 🙂
Last night, I very vividly had a lucid dream, where I saw a pregnant (very pregnant) women hanging from a rough rope in a bathroom. The bathroom was unfamiliar to me.
All the colours were muted, and I was very very scared to see her hanging up there. She didn’t look familiar to me at all, but felt very sad to see her hanging there.
I’d love to hear your interpretation of this.
Dear Ramona – Did you read http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/lucid-dreaming/ yet?
What I see reflected in your dream is that you are close to giving birth to something new in your life.
Rebirth is the death of the old life and it is as difficult to face as death. It holds within it not just the memories of the struggles and difficulties of your own physical birth and growth, but also the challenge of becoming the unknown future, the dark possibility; the new.
We usually face a deeply felt experience of death before encountering the archetype of rebirth.
Neither the death nor the rebirth or resurrection are things that happen quickly. There may be dreams, waking subjective experiences or a short period in one’s life when death or rebirth are felt very strongly – but the process as a whole is a psychological one which may take years to unfold and stabilise.
The change that takes place in this experience of an inwardly felt death, may at times feel like losing everything, shedding the past, becoming completely insecure. It usually leads to the realisation in one’s life of parts of oneself that were never lived before, or never allowed expression before. There is not in the end a loss of anything, only a gaining that requires one to let go of the dominance of what was previously important. From this arises a feeling of wholeness and connection with the world and self in a new way. In her book about the individuation process, Jolande Jacobi says, ‘…. transformation is an integral component of the individuation process, which in turn follows a line of development whose goal is psychic-totality.’
There is however, no final death or rebirth. The cycle is a fundamental process in nature, and therefore active too in the physical and psychological nature of humans. It is not only old age or approaching death causing the experience to arise. It can also happen during profound personal growth, when old fears, traumas and habits may fall away and allow a completely new relationship with yourself, with work, with being alive; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/individuation/
Perhaps you feel like exploring your dream symbols; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson?
See also http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/opening-to-life/ and http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/peer-dream-group/
Anna 🙂
Hey guys, I’m new to this site so I have no idea if this comment will submit but I’m looking for some explanation of what I just dreamt. So here it goes. I was driving down this street that is near my house, when I see two people(teenagers/young adults) on top of separate street lights opposite sides from eachother(on my left and right) and as I got a little closer I saw them both jump off and it was now clear to me that they hung themselves. Being absolutely terrified, I covered my eyes with my hand so that I only saw the bottom of the road, and I turned left and from there I woke up. I’ve never had a dream about anything close to this and I can’t find anything on the internet about someone who has experienced the same. Thanks guys
Dear Matt – How do you deal with the opposites inside you; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/whole-2/
Are you afraid of expressing them; http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/opening-to-life/?
What does it feel like to “Be the young adult who hangs himself”: http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson?
Can you imagine that your own dream figure in the dream faces them; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/secrets-power-dreaming/?
Anna 🙂
I had a dream there was this girl who was in school being bullied and then there were 4 girls who all had white painted faces chasing after her. She sometimes ran away but they followed her to scare her. There was this man or boy of some short he was wearing all black or somthing he wanted her dead. Those 4 girls work for him. One day she went into this big attic or thing under school I could not tell but she said no more pain. And then next thing I know I see the black man and then I look over at her and turn back to the where the black man was and he was gone. So she ties the rope around her neck and then jumps but the weird thing is when she jumps she dont fully die she has to wiggle down a little to get all the way down then she does and while that happens wall or ceiling is breaking like craking. Then she throws up and spits up blood and then she said no more pain no more pain. It was a scary dream please help I need answers!
Dear Mykeah – You ask for answers without having formulated any questions.
So please write down the questions you have.
I am willing to have a look at your dream, but I need some more information from you;
Are you still in school now and how old are you?
Were you bullied at school?
Do you have a daughter who goes to school?
Anna 🙂
I had a dream that my sister and I were in a mental hospital and we’re seeing this girl attempt to hang herself. I have no idea who this girl was. When I woke up my nose was bleeding. It really freaked me out….
Please help me interpret this dream.
Dear Frances – Most of us make the mistake of believing our dream images are all something outside of us. In fact they are all images underneath which are amazing destructive or constructive powers.
In your dream your sister and you are observing an unknown and unconscious aspect of yourself.
Being in a mental hospital I see as a symbol for your own willingness to meet and look at this part of you that is almost not expressed anymore; it has become a destructive power.
If you feel like it you can carry the dream forward and remove the rope from your neck; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/carrying-the-dream-forward/
What does that feel like? See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson
Most of the time we edit or control what we allow ourselves to think or feel and dropping this form of judgment, if only for short periods while you open to the mystery you are, is important. At first it may cause some concern because you are unblocking part of the flow, and it may start pushing out some of the attitudes, past experiences and habits that have been blocking your greater flow. Usually those things would have been cleansed in the normal LifeStream, but unconscious tensions and resistances prevent the healing. This is why we have to consciously take in hand the work of dropping our self-control for periods of time.
See http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/opening-to-life/
Anna 🙂
I had a dream that I was a father (I’m a woman) to a little girl. She was strange looking, almost doll like, very petite. I took her too the woods about dawn or maybe later and somehow she got caught in some sort of trap. A string was tied tight around her neck and she was hanging from a tree branch. I tried everything to get it off her even attempting to cut the rope with scissors. I think she died by the end of the dream. I’m curios on what this means. It sort of creeped me out a tad.
So can somebody explain what this might mean??
Thanks for reading!
Dear Tilly Hodge – Your dream may reflect aspects of the relationship between your inner father and your inner child.
You have taken in millions of bit of memory, lessons learnt, life experiences along with all the feelings or problems met by loving and living with your father, and they are what makes you the person you are. This is true even if your father was never there for you – you still have all the memories of him not being there for you filed under ‘Father’. The memories and experience we gather unconsciously change us and are not lost. It is part of you and is symbolised in dreams as a person or event. Such an inner father can appear in dreams because you are still deeply influenced by what you hold within you.
The trap is often made up, or rather was built, from a way of life you lived when you were a baby and child. You were trained to behave in particular ways, to respond as was thought fit, and in a manner dictated by the culture or religious beliefs in which you were raised. And yet as a natural human animal those attitude, behaviours and restrictions may have been completely against your nature. Yet that is the life you have lived since then, and it seems as it is who you are. The only signs of your entrapment may be your dreams of being trapped, your body tensions and pains, your mental and emotional agony at times as the natural human animal you are tried to find its way out of, or tries to break out of, the trap.
You are trapped because you cannot break free of old fears, attitudes or relationships. You are held prisoner by beliefs or religious views not conducive to you as a living being.
Finding your way through them is the great adventure of life. Out of this arises your strength, your waking up to whom you are and your emergence into real life and identity.
See http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/opening-to-life/ and http://dreamhawk.com/body-and-mind/meeting-the-animal/
If you feel like exploring the little girl in your dream, you can use http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson
See also http://dreamhawk.com/health-and-healing/inner-baby-and-child/
Anna 🙂
I had a dream last night where I was in a bar and it was weird lighting and felt strange. Someone was to be hung above the pool table as an execution. He was hung and it was difficult to witness. The person being hung then began to point out letters on a box, spelling something out. His captors found this adequate and let him down. He had confessed about something it seemed. I was then quite drunk and I was taken into a room by some old childhood friends, who are Jewish. I felt I was being initiated into Judaism. I hugged a couple of them and we said “Elohim” to each other. When I said that I started to vibrate in bliss in my body. One of them said ‘we don’t do that’. Which I interpreted as we talk about “Elohim”, but we don’t become that energy. We intellectualize vs experience if felt like. I was then being hazed by old friends, it was unkind. I was then accused of being a child molester, it was very strange and disconcerting. I was defending myself saying it’s not true at all. I was taking solace in the kind and compassionate embrace of a woman. She was being sweet and empathetic as I was suffering from the rejection by my friends. Very strange and unpleasant feeling in my dreams. I’ve never asked anyone for dream advice, but I’d be curious to hear your perspective about this dream. Thank you.
Dear Michael – What you explore in your dream at first is what it feels like to stop expressing parts of you; “Someone was to be hung above the pool table as an execution”.
At that moment you have taken on the role of the observer – the witness – and becoming aware that “it is difficult to witness” seems to bring about the change; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/self-observation/
Your dream confession reveals things that have been kept unconscious previously and exploring this may lead to understanding what you have repressed.
The release of such confessions can be difficult or emotional, and can remove blockages – “I was then quite drunk” – that have prevented the flow of life within; http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/opening-to-life/
Allowing the flow of Life fully opens you to experience “IT” as vibrating in bliss in your body.
Your childhood friends may reflect a period in your life where you have decided to repress this experience.
I believe that the next part of your dream where you are being hazed and accused of being a child molester symbolises this inner conflict of intellectualizing vs experiencing “IT” and it suggests that the child in you would rather experience “IT”.
When this path towards experiencing “IT” is temporarily closed, you find solace in the arms of a woman or your inner female; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/archetype-of-the-anima-jungs-view-of-the-female-in-the-male/
I have explored different ways of experiencing bliss – with or without being aware of my body – and my perception is that it is a means rather than an end; http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/water-wonderland/
The end as far as I am aware of it now and that I have chosen to perceive as my intention is to “see IT” as a means to open up myself to a level of “abstract Oneness” that I can hear; it is an opening up of my body and my inner ears to a level of Oneness that is beyond uniting with my inner male.
Creating an inner world in which I can make this experience last longer and longer is the way I prefer to be in this world.
Anna 🙂
Thank you for your reply and sharing the resources for further self reflection.
You are welcome Michael. Tuesday or Wednesday I will respond to your next post.
Anna 🙂
I had a dream that I was with my mom and I dont know if it was my little sister or some other kid.
we saw a car coming to the cabin we where hiding at and it was some bad man in the dream, driving up to us. It felt like it was my dad but at the same time I don’t think it was.
Anyways the guy says I need to be hunged because of some man I killed (I killed a man that was bad, he was coming at my mom, me and the little kid)
I walk over to the hanging post out in the creepy backyard and the man tells me to go ahead and put my head in the rope while my mom stands off to the right and he and the kid in front of me.
Before I went by the rope tho I told my mom to just shoot me right when I will put my head through the rope. I told her I didn’t wanna feel any pain, and she agreed to it.
So I go up on the post where the rope is and all I can think of in my head is please shoot me correctly so I die right away.
Anyways, the man will be lifting the rope up so my feet wouldn’t touch the bored anymore. As he is lifting the rope I am holding onto the rope with my hands and he is waiting for me to put my head through. Just as I’m about to put my head through I remember that that little kid also killed a man a couple years ago and that that man didn’t do anything about it. So I let go crying and laughing out of joy and tell them like you didn’t make her kill herself(the little kid) she killed people for no reason. And the man says it doesn’t matter and i tell him like no it’s not fair, why should I die and she doesn’t have to. And then I woke up
Dear Evelina –I like you to remember that every symbol in your dream – your own dream figure, the bad man, the little kid, your mother – are aspects of ourselves that are part of your inner world.
Each of us has an unconscious internal world, which means that world is not known yet, and it is reflected in our dreams.
What you meet in your dream may reflect an early experience in life that was/is still affecting you in some way, but you take many steps in your dream towards transformation.
You cannot change the past, however you can change how you view it, how you feel about it and you can change the inner story that you have created about your past, as you do in your dream too; “So I let go crying and laughing out of joy and tell them like you didn’t make her kill herself (the little kid) she killed people for no reason. And the man says it doesn’t matter and I tell him like no it’s not fair, why should I die and she doesn’t have to.”
Killing and hanging are all symbols of not expressing certain aspects of “your selves” anymore.
Expressing yourself while “letting go crying and laughing out of joy” and the following inner dialogue with what may be your inner father – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/father-dad/#InnerFather – sounds like a wonderful start to me, so you might want to explore it further; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/dialogue-with-a-dream-character-or-object/.
Although there is a lot of literature available about healing and re-raising our inner child, I tend to believe that part of our inner work may also be about healing and re-raising our inner father/male by also becoming aware of the beliefs of this self; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/archetype-of-the-animus-jungs-view-of-the-male-in-the-female/
Your dream graphically illustrated “his” belief and what influence it has upon your decision making, responses and your relationship with yourself.
It is good to remember that many of your beliefs are unconscious; they may have been absorbed in childhood and in your dream you learn that becoming aware of a belief – “Anyways the guy says I need to be hanged because of some man I killed” – gives you the opportunity to question it.
Another part of your dream that you may like to explore further is “So I let go crying and laughing out of joy”; http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/the-lifestream/#Open
Anna 🙂
My brother had a dream of people being hanged upside down (the feet were the ones tied up not not the neck). i’m worried. He didn’t tell me much detail either. Please help
I dreamt that I was to be hung but the rope kept snapping. My mum was also to be hung and was next to me. However the ropes were very thin and mine always snapped. A man I didn’t recognise gave me some sort of drink that was meant to make the hanging quicker. My mums rope did not snap and I was watching her almost die but I cut it at the last minute to save her. During this whole time the Queen was watching, enforcing the hangings.
It has really disturbed me and don’t know what it’s about! My mum did have life saving heart surgery last year but don’t think it’s related?
Dear Jessica – I do believe that your hunch was right that your mum’s life-saving heart surgery is in a way related to your dream. I believe that illnesses, happenings in one’s life, etc., can be considered as “signals” called up by a person’s inner self. If we understand these signals and make the necessary changes in our lives, then we can constantly progress on the path of joy and health.
The heart is a symbol of emotions, sympathy, tenderness, love, affection and also inner feelings, desires, secret thoughts, conscience. You can take heart, and thus carry on through difficulties, or lose heart and give up.
Christiane Beerlandt wrote an interesting book about this subject; “The Key to Self-Liberation: 1000 Diseases and their Psychological Origins.”
I feel that your dream reflects your (inner) mother’s advanced process of not being able to express herself anymore; to open her heart (to someone).
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/mother-mum-ma/#InnerMother.
Perhaps you feel like using “Being the mother”; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson?
You can use this approach to find a deeper feeling understanding of the meaning of any other symbol in your dream too (your dream figure, the man you did not recognise and the Queen).
Your dream figure is struggling with the same “hanging” issue that is part of your mother’s inner world; however the rope is still thin, which suggests that you still have some level of resistance towards the way your (inner) mother relates (or does not relate) to her inner world and so you are willing to “break with her way.”
The man you do not recognise http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/archetype-of-the-animus-jungs-view-of-the-male-in-the-female/ “helps” you by giving you something to absorb too. I believe this suggests that he too is influenced by what he (unconsciously) absorbed in his life and also by the dominance of the Queen in his (inner) world and he passes it on to you too; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/archetype-of-the-queen/
The Queen in your dream suggests that you, your mother and “the man you do not recognise” have to obey this “ruling principle” that says that feelings are not to be felt and/or expressed.
What your dream shows in a symbolical way is that you are willing to save your inner mother, which should not be confused by trying to save your physical mother, for that is not your task as I see it.
I feel it is important to recognise that these “rules to not express your feelings” are often passed on – unconsciously – from one generation to the next generation.
To give you a deeper understanding of how this works, I like you to read http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/the-conjuring-trick/ and please also read the comments at the end of the page.
Perhaps these entries will give you something to reflect on too? http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/forgiveness-as-a-power-source/ and http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/lifes-little-secrets/
Do you have any questions so far?
Anna 🙂
I had a dream that I was with someone I obviously knew in the dream but looking back on it I don’t recognise the face, and I think he had done something wrong because there was a old skinny woman shouting at him and she gave him a injection and told him to move on (we was in a warehouse type place and there was lots of other people in a queue type form getting the same injection, he was also shackled hands and feet) when he had moved along he was thrown into a cell type room but smaller, more like a small a metal cardboard box, he had the choice of ‘be paralysed’, ‘be hung’ and there was a couple of others but I can’t remember the rest, but he turned to me and said don’t worry, I’ll get out of this and painfully smiled and pressed the button. All of a sudden 9 or 10 people came rushing with rope and a black hood, he was kicking and screaming and shouting ‘I pressed the wrong one!’ Then I woke up.
Any ideas of what this could mean?
Dear Peyton Mott – What I see in your dream – and please explore it yourself as well http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/dream-yoga/ – is that it shows how you relive a form of (inner) drama in your inner world.
Any dramatic events in your dream signify something you feel strongly about and “the old skinny woman” (your inner mother? http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/mother-mum-ma/#InnerMother ) “injects” her opinions and criticism into “the man” (your inner father? http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/father-dad/#InnerFather ) when she perceives he has made an error.
The next part of the dream shows that “she” has made this approach into a habit; “we were in a warehouse type place and there were lots of other people in a queue type form getting the same injection.”
The man in your dream – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/male-man/ -perceives her influence as “shackling and imprisoning” and his feeling response to the situation has become a limiting habit as well; be paralysed suggests feeling afraid and be hung suggests feeling hopeless.
Although he assures you that he will get himself out of the situation, he does not manage to “push the right button”; to do exactly what is necessary to get the result that he wants.
Do you recognize any of these habitual (feeling) responses in yourself?
If we take away the images and events occurring in a dream and simply look to see what feelings or emotions are evident, the dream is often more understandable than if we try to interpret the symbols. Feelings in dreams are nearly always undistorted. We therefore do not need to interpret them, simply to recognise them and see if we can recognise where they occur in waking life.
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/self-observation/
Anna 🙂
I have dream about a lady who hangs herself to a under construction house nearby in our house. Please help me with this because its my first time to remember a dream clearly. And it scares me. Please help me
MonStarlyn – People are often very confused about the difference between their waking life and their dream life. They believe that what they dream is the same as what they meet in waking life. So dream images are ways of communicating via your association’s not actual things or people. So the images in your dream are representing something happening in your life. See http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/inner-world/#MakesInner
The construction house represents something new in your life you are trying to develop. It suggests that you are or are thinking of creating something new, a new idea or project. Our imagination and mind are constantly building things which show in our dreams as images. Our ideas and beliefs are the main builders in our dreams, and it is a world we then live in.
The woman who hangs herself is showing you that you are choking out or repressing the wonderful creative urge to construct something new – a new you perhaps?
Don’t put your self down, because your dream shows you are creative, so stop committing a form of suicide on your own creative ability. The processes of creation are far deeper than your personality. Awareness is the key. What are you going to spend your wonderful female energy on?