Native American
Natural wisdom; self acceptance and wisdom based on this awareness of ones links with the world and the intuition or wisdom of the irrational or unconscious. It can represent realisation of tribal wisdom and the link with intuitive initiations into stages of growth and entrance into the house of the ancestors. For some people it links with feelings of being dispossessed.
If you live in America, you may have all the above associations of being touch in with nature, but some people dream of being attacked and threatened. And this is probably an expression of meeting the alien in you, or a fear of strangers. The Indian can also be a guide and a wise person. See See alien – Reaction to the unconscious
Example: Dreamt that a young modern Red Indian was talking to me while walking in London. He said he would show me one of the secret nerve blocks used by the shamans. He pressed quickly the right side of my throat and tapped my forehead. Then he walked backwards away from me a few paces, and he appeared to shrink in size and diminish in age. I immediately thought this must have been the physiological method used in their magic. I seemed to remember having been shown it before by another Red Indian. He didn’t have to walk away, but looked young and small anyway. To end the effect, the Indian tapped the base of my neck in the thyroid area, and tapped my buttocks.
Useful questions are:
What are my feelings about the Indian or being an Indian?
What am I gaining or getting from the Indian?
See The Iroquoian Dream Cult – Native American Beliefs – Secrets of Power Dreaming – Being the Person or Thing – Spirit Child
Elder speaking to me about taking care of children. I was 55 years old an pregnant .what does dream mean
Dear Jeri – Whenever you post a dream it is helpful to give us more information about yourself – for instance are you 55 years old in your waking life too? – and your dream; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/not-enough-information/
And Elder in a tribe is considered the carrier of memory and life experiences and an Elder speaking to you about taking care of children may reflect how your inner Elder is guiding you to pass on your knowledge to the next generation(s).
Being pregnant in your dream may reflect that a new area of your potential or personality is developing; a deepening relationship with your potential is producing a new area of experience, talent or facet of your personality. It is still unexpressed but is developing; a new scheme or creative idea ‘hatching’.
This can point to the development of a new approach to life, a new project you are creating, a new outlet of expression, or new faculty.
See also http://dreamhawk.com/pregnancy-childbirth/the-baby-in-your-dream/
Anna 🙂
I dreamed of the man I have fallen in love with and we both is in a committed relationship. Was getting married to another female but he never goes to the wedding and stays with me.
Dear Atonia – Dreams can be understood on many levels and so they are multi-layered.
Because you have created this dream, it is up to you from which level you want to approach it and understand it and on which level you want to apply it.
Because you have posted your dream on the website, I would like to share my perspective with you though.
Your dream could reflect your hope that this is what will happen in your waking life (I assume that this man is not married yet; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/not-enough-information/)
But our motivation as human beings to fall in love may be to expand the self and to increase our abilities and our effectiveness.
To understand that you could make a list of all that attracts you to this man and see it as a potential inside you that you would like to develop.
In this way the man will stay with you indeed, not in your waking life, but because you will integrate “him” – whatever you feel attracted to – in your own psyche.
With this approach in mind, you could even see him not marrying the other female as a decision that your falling in love with him is not about eventually marrying him on a physical level and everything about expanding your inner male; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/archetype-of-the-animus-jungs-view-of-the-male-in-the-female/
It may be helpful to become aware that other women had to deal with this issue as well in their dreams and in waking life; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/level-confusion/
Anna 🙂
I had a dream twice that is really stuck in my head. I’m at home when I get a call from a old friend that wants me to come over. Then I get there Their is poison oak everywhere and I tell her I’m not going anywhere near it. She’s like okay. Then I go inside and there is the two huge green snakes that try to bite me throughout the dream and then my brother gets there he gets the snakes looks and them and the dream ends with him throwing the snakes on me and it just about bites my neck when I wake up. Can you help me.
I had a dream i was at my childhood home, outside and i had food that i was feeding a very very large bird- thunderbird?- but there was an eagle next to me waiting for food and a bear was standing in the distance just watching. Then out of no where a coyote jumped in from thin air and was walking to me and i was scared and called out for my boyfriend but not because i wanted help, i just wanted him to meet the coyote….. And that was it. The dream has stuck with me for a couple days and i feel like theres something important about it…
I had a dream that i was bottle feeding a white buffalo calf and that it ran off and i was chasing after it and then i woke up. What does my dream mean?
A few weeks ago, I was almost asleep and heard a wolf howl. It sounded so real. Last night, I dreamed of a fire dance with only 1Indian in full dance attire dancing. I have never had a dream like this and I am unsure of its meaning. Any input would be appreciated.
I had a dream. A chief was marrying me to a indian when he transform into a eagle.
Can you tell me what my dream means?
I was crossing a wood bridge I stop when I encounter 2 Anaconda snakes the one on my right looks at me and turn away and the one on my left stay coiled .
Thank you.
I had a dream last night that someone I was living with bought a spider & crab. They were keeping them in 2 separate cages & rather than using lids, they created an “open lid” that if it were at the perfect angle would make it impossible for the spider and/or the crab to get out. Later in my dream, someone cleaning out the cage realized that the spiders got out & I saw the web. We were scared but later learned that the spiders were not poisonous but were native to Cuba (in my dream we were in CA). I came upon a Native American Indian who was using some type of pedal contraption to fly through the sky, he was very old, thin & ill apparently from an allergic reaction to the spider. I liked him & felt like he would be okay. I took off a necklace from his neck that was a fish hook, a blue feather & some square metal piece & somehow swallowed it. As I was swallowing it, I realized it was dangerous and started to gag on it as I pulled it out of my mouth but left the square metal piece. What do you think the dream meant?
My grandfather on my fathers side was creek and black. I dreamed last night that he appeared to me in creek native clothes and handed me a tomahawk. Have no idea what its supposed to mean so I would be grateful if you interpreted it for me. Thank you.
Dear Travis – What the dream tomahawk means to you might depend also on what it looks like.
Original Native American tomahawks were used as tools or weapons and were made from stone. But Native American tomahawks were also used to confirm friendships and even establish treaties. In this case, Native American tomahawks were made from silver or pewter and engraved ornately and were owned by those chiefs who were considered to be prominent.
A way to explore the gift you received – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/gift/ – from your grandfather – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/grandfather-grandpa-gramps/ – could be to use “Being the gift”; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson
Another approach could be to use “Dream Dialogue”; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/dialogue-with-a-dream-character-or-object/
Anna 🙂
I need dream help. Since I was 6 years old, I’ve been having dreams centered around a native American person. Always faceless, usually a man. Always in the dreams, this person is a comfort to me…keeping me safe, healing or protecting me. They are extremely realistic dreams, and I always wake up feeling lost and shaken and looking for…something. I’m now 43 years old, and I still have them – had one last night. It was a woman this time…an older shaman type. She played her flute in my ear to “center” me and “help me find what I need”. After she was done, she left me , then the dream took weird turns, but I felt calm. What in the world??? These dreams have haunted me and driven my path in some ways since I was young. I always feel like something in my life is missing, and it has something to do with the dreams. Crazy??
Dear Lisa J. – Well those are wonderful helpful dreams and I feel it will serve a purpose if you can get a better understanding about your inner world (the unconscious) and the help that is available.
A man without a face I see as a reflection of the parts of you that you may not have recognized and expressed through shyness or circumstances.
This is also called the positive side of your shadow; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/shadowy-figure/ and the native American person is part of your potential and heritage (ancestors?).
We are all born with an immense potential that often remains latent because of the condition of our body, our education, our prevalent social teachings, our beliefs etc.
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/archetype-of-the-animus-jungs-view-of-the-male-in-the-female/
I cannot know what is missing in your inner life, but I believe that consciously integrating those parts in your inner world will help you feel more whole.
The older shaman woman is another symbol of the help and healing that you have found in your inner world. Lucky you!
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/medicine-man-shaman/
A way to work towards conscious integration of these aspects of you could be “Being the person” and “Talking as the person”; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson
Let me know if you have any questions about the way I see it.
Anna 🙂
Last week I had a dream twice. I am in bed, I wake up on my tummy. To my right is a Native American woman laying on her tummy facing me. She’s talking to me, I cant hear her. Although I have a feeling of understanding. I understood. Ok…uhuh, understood. My head is nodding. My great great grandma was Apache Mescalero Tribe. I have always had vivid dreams. At times I understand them. A couple times it was a relative who was passing from one life to the next. But this one puzzles me.
I am Cherokee by my card, but my mother is also Iroquois and my father is Apache and Comanche. I’m not sure if the difference in tribes matters, i have looked things up but sometimes its hard because the tribes have conflicting views.
my dream:
I was running, and running fast like someone was chasing me. i remember being scared because it was at night and there were trees on both sides of me and covering my head so i couldnt see the sky. When i would look to my right owls would be staring at me from the trees and i would try to run faster, but when id look to my left i would see wolves running beside me. I would hold my breath and feel like i was going somewhere finally until i looked back to my right. Im so confused on this dream and it has continued to worry me for months.
Dear Lauren – Thank you for sharing your interesting dream and for sharing some of your background.
I can understand your being somewhat confused because Native American animal symbols can encompass just about all the animals, and their different symbolic representation to the many tribes of the Americas.
So perhaps it will be helpful to you if you can “approach” these symbols of the wolf and the owl as Archetypes of animals (at first)?
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/archetype-of-the-animal/
The way I see your dream is that you are submerged in the world of the (collective) unconscious and it is probably only this that frightens you, because it is an unknown world to you still.
Many people as their awareness reaches beyond what they feel is their normal self feel scared.
If we realise that they are things we have created through our own fear we will pass on. But otherwise it will continue to haunt us as something that will get you; or you feel uncertain even lost in facing it! But it is only our small self-image, our ego that reacts because it feels powerless, even though in reality the Hugeness is part of our totality. It is the enormous potential you have within you, it is Life you are frightened of or have been ignoring.
Jung felt that human life is meaningful and has its roots in a transcendent reality. It was a place of mystery and life. It included not only the widest storehouse of personal and family experience, but it stretched beyond this, linking each of us with a collective experience of life. This ‘collective unconscious’ Jung said, holds within itself the merged experience of all that has lived.
Also from the unconscious arose what Jung called the influence of the Self. He defined the Self as the whole of the person, as distinct from the narrow focus of self we know in our daily life. For example if you could have a sense of all your memories rather than simply what is relevant to the moment, you would have a different view of all you did. Jung described this as similar to a ball with a small black circle drawn on it. The small black circle is our normal waking awareness, the ball is the Self.
When seeing that wolfs run beside you, you become aware on some level that they are part of “the Huge that you are”; “when I would look to my left I would see wolves running beside me.”
Your inner wisdom/intuition – symbolised by the owls – help you to bring this realisation to its conclusion; you cannot run from your Self or yourself; “feel like I was going somewhere finally until I looked back to my right.”
So your wonderful inner owls enable you to see that you are not going anywhere with this approach.
A helpful insight!
The next step could be to make friends with your inner wolves and owls http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/secrets-power-dreaming/
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/instinct/
Anna 🙂
I dreamed of a tree…I was surrounded by children and adults who guided the children. I was a child, even though I’m 24. They told me to pray but I wouldn’t. When everyone bowed to their faces, I would not. They smiled and told there is our stubborn Summer. I slept with other girls in a makeshift tree house. We all slept on the floor or beds. One night I slept with one of the girls, not sexually. One girl wanted to fight me, and she came at me. I grabbed her hair pulled her back and put a knife to her throat telling her to leave me alone. Well, my knife knocked her finger and she went to tell on me. I told them she attacked me first. They smiled and told me I needed to get the darkness out of me. So, I went to the base of the tree. I was scared. I put my hand on the ground, and felt it pulsate. Then, suddenly, black billows of smoke came out of my body. There was so much….more than anyone’s. I felt better after and happier. But, an old man caught my eye. He had long grey hair and native American garments, very simple. He had a scowl on his face. He went to the tree, and the blackness came out of him as much as mine. He left, and I followed him because I felt we were connected. He only scowled at me, and said something about being a warrior. Then, I woke up. I’ve had a dream about a tree before. Last time, it was a beautiful tree underground with a glass city surrounding it. This dream was just as peaceful.
Dear Summer – I understand from your dream that you must have done inner work already and that you are becoming more aware and more in harmony with your inner Being.
I still like to express what I see in your dream, because your dream might be helpful to other dreamers.
And so the way I see your interesting and beautiful dream is that it starts with becoming aware of your inner defence mechanism, which make that at first you are not ready/willing yet to surrender to Life/God/the More; symbolised by “They told me to pray but I wouldn’t. When everyone bowed to their faces, I would not.”
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/defence-mechanisms/
Edgar Cayce said that prayer is two sided; we may be asking something from Life/God/ the More – or we are listening to find out what Life/God/ the More might be wanting from us.
Your dream expresses that what It wants from you and for you is to heal you.
Your fight with the girl symbolises how you deal with (inner) conflicts and with your aggression.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/aggression-aggressiveness/
It also suggests how in your dream, your thinking is based on blaming “the other”. It is good to realise though that in your dream – and so in your inner world – you are everything. So you are the girl starting the fight and your dream figure reacting to it and you are also the “adults guiding the children”.
You wrote; “They smiled and told me I needed to get the darkness out of me.” At that moment you are ready and willing to listen to “them” and open up to your deep connection with Life and allow It to release your inner darkness; “I put my hand on the ground, and felt it pulsate. Then, suddenly, black billows of smoke came out of my body.”
See also http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/the-lifestream/
I believe that with healing another part of your mind, you healed a part of our collective unconscious, which I also see expressed by your perception in your dream; “There was so much….more than anyone’s.” and by “the blackness came out of him as much as mine.”
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/collective-unconscious/
I see the old man as the Archetype of the Warrior/Hero/ine. An archetype is often full of collective wisdom and energy, both positive and negative, depending upon how you relate to it.
If this archetype is not harnessed with awareness it can result in “picking a fight with everyone and about everything” –the dark side of the Archetype of the Warrior/Hero/ine – and if it is used with awareness it can become the force that pushes you to become the best you can be.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/the-archetype-of-the-hero-ine/
At the end of the dream the old man leaves; making room for another archetype.
One of the main features of the Warrior/Hero/ine is the way it leads us into greater self- expression, fuller maturity. But once the maturity is reached, once the new is attained, then one needs to drop the means of achievement and live the new life. The journey to a new land may require attitudes and activities which when we get there are no longer needed. The farmers who travelled West in America needed to drop their nomadic life once they had arrived.
Anna 🙂
As a young child and even now I have always had what some call “de-javu”. But a dream that has occurred many times during my 29 years of life and it’s driving me nuts trying to find an interpretation of it. I am riding in a vehicle with the windows down on a old country road, I’m just staring into the sky admiring the beauty of it. All of a sudden a enormous bird (reminds me of an eagle, but much larger) flies into my vision. I watch how it just soars through the sky admiring it’s freedom. All of a sudden I notice it is watching me as well, as I noticed it, I start to feel frightened and beg for the driver to roll the windows up. They wouldn’t roll the windows up and the bird swoops down and pulls me out of the vehicle through the window and flies away with me. As a child I always woke up frightened from it, but now I feel like there is a deep meaning from this dream. At times I have woke up feeling as if I am flying or floating. I also recently found that my 4th generation grandfather was of the Cherokee Nation and of the paint clan.
Dear Frances – Your dream starts with an unknown aspect of you – the driver – being in charge of the direction you are taking and this “inner drive” I see as allowing the Life Will.
With this open state of mind you are able to connect with your natural ability of your own mind to at times expand far beyond the immediate sense impressions and concerns, to include years of life experience, and what you have learned when looked at as a whole.
This is because the height of the bird and its steady gaze give it unusual perception and wide awareness. To touch such enormous wealth of experience is to be penetrated by the holy; something so beyond the limitations of our own small personality enters us and leaves its imprint.
This wider awareness may at times feel as if you are ‘carried away’. Being lifted into the unknown in this way can cause unwarranted fear.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/what-we-need-to-remember-about-us-3/#Reaction
I feel it will also be helpful to read and understand the difference between the Conscious Will and the Life Will:
Perhaps you even feel like allowing the Life Will to “carry you” consciously for a while and explore the direction IT takes you?
See http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/the-lifestream/
Anna 🙂