A tsunami can indicate a tremendous and fundamental change in you. Most people now know that tsunamis are caused by massive earth changes under the sea. These changes are part of the natural order, and often show themselves to people in their dreams. So they can be understood as an expression of our personal adaptation to enormous changes. They can wash away most of the beliefs, social structures we have built or held onto as important. Yet if we are not afraid of change and the forces that we are actually involved in, then we can find enormous power and force within us.
Remember that tsunamis are dangerous in waking life, but are the expression of your inner life in dreams. They are not dangerous and need not be avoided or run from while asleep. Meeting a tsunami is saying that some tremendous change has happened deep in you and in the world. Tsunamis are caused by earthquakes on the sea bed. So many people are dreaming about them at the moment because of the enormous change going on around us and within us. So learn to face them without fear and be ready to meet change in your life and in your family.
Example: Dreamt I am looking out of the window and it is a very stormy day, raining heavily. I can see the storm and the rain are the way the world adjusts itself all the time. The weather is the world’s means of self-regulation. Through earthquakes, tornadoes, volcanic eruptions, the earth manages to regulate itself. In that way it deals with the enormous forces playing on it from the cosmos and from within itself. It also has to deal with the influence of the life forms it carries, such as ourselves, pouring out poisonous gases and carbon dioxide.
I have a feeling that occasionally the earth has to make massive adjustments, as when the earth was hit by the huge comet 124 miles in diameter 65 millions of years ago when the dinosaurs died out. Such adjustments are difficult. Some species die out, others that survive, then develop further. What survives flourishes, because it has what it takes to deal with catastrophe and change. It has learned how to survive dark times. So we too need to survive and also be a part of personal earthquakes and meteors entering our lives. See Opening to Life; Tidal wave
Hello, I just had a tsunami dream now at 5.30 and woke up. I’ m in a bus with many people whom i feel i know. I’m in India but it seemed like a big foreign city. While we were crossing a bridge, i spotted the swirls of 2 or 3 hurricanes in the horison. We were say less than a kilometre from the sea. I could see waves build up at the bottom of the hurricanes. We tried to escape. Tsunami struck. But all of us were un harmed. Then i saw the number of hurricanes increasing. Again it struck. Bt eventhough we were on ground, near another bridge, the water took the course of the river and we were saved. Atlast i see us all standing in a very long queue near scy scrapers to be possibly taken to higher ground. The cloudy atmosphere lurked the feeling of another strike to take place again. But there is relief in my mind. I see american television series very often. It might account for the metropolitant background. I’m in love and had informed my parents about it 2-3 yrs back. They do not like it and keeping mum about it now. Even though we follow a normal life, i’m waiting for them to take a stand all this time. My sis is in love too but she hasn’t told them yet.Yesterday my would be told me that her lover is going to inform my parents. This might be an eventful time because my parents are traditional. I have opted for a person from another caste but she has opted a person from another religion. In India it is a great deal to traditional people. Is this dream about my sis’s love being revealed and the resultant turmoil in all our lives? Pleae reply. Thank you
Dear Devi – I believe your dream is about digesting (part of) the daring inner journey you have taken so far. Your sister’s lover going to inform your parents is merely what has triggered your memory and so this dream too.
The way I see your dream is that you feel that a tradition which is natural to your parents and many people in the society you live in, starts to feel foreign to you.
Because it is a long tradition which is a part of you as well, you cannot avoid feeling conflicted at first; “I’m in India but it seemed like a big foreign city.”
Then you start the inner journey to break free and this is expressed in crossing a bridge and the hurricanes and tsunami express the internal and the external turmoil you had to deal with while allowing your desire for an inter-caste love and then daring to express it towards your parents.
Your dream suggests that you are afraid of hurting anybody or of getting hurt. I believe this could express that part of you might still be strongly influenced by the idea that an inter-caste love/marriage is a threat to the existing social order.
The other part of your dream in which you all try to get to higher ground could be a symbol of the wish of all of you to protect yourself from any further (inner) conflict which might also be the reason why you all have been waiting for 2-3 years.
Postponing or avoiding this (inner) conflict all together can indeed feel like a relief in your troubled mind (too).
Perhaps Power Dreaming can help you decide how you want to proceed?
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/secrets-power-dreaming/
Anna 🙂
I have this dream that continues about a tidal wave I’m on the beach with my nieces and nephews and my sister in law who has been there every time and I’m not scared we sit there and watch them. Now I started a new job that’s more difficult than I thought and found out I’m pregnant I do have a fear of telling my new job in fear they will fire me or find a way to do it… so plz help me figure out what this means thank you:)
Dear Sarah – Life is a huge learning and growth experience and that is what the tidal wave symbolises.
As you can read in this entry about tsunami:
“A tsunami can indicate a tremendous and fundamental change in you. Most people now know that tsunamis are caused by massive earth changes under the sea. These changes are part of the natural order, and often show themselves to people in their dreams. So they can be understood as an expression of our personal adaptation to enormous changes.”
Having a new job that is quite challenging AND being pregnant does ask you to adapt and it would be wise to get (legal) information about how to approach this situation at your work place. Perhaps your dream also suggests that your family – your sister in law? – can help you deal with this new situation in your life?
It could be that the dream continues because of all the changes that are taking place inside your body AND inside your inner world because of the child that is growing inside you. Life is preparing you to become a mother, which is a challenging inner job too.
See http://juliakaradi.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/19/2014/09/Childbirth-as-Initiation1.pdf
Anna 🙂
I had a dream last night taht me and my mom was talking about a building ok the beach in nyc and i was telling her how i would never live on a water front property and my dad was here to pick me up since im moving upstate where he is located as we all layed down in bed we still spoke about this water front property me and my dad brought up a lake front and i said i can live by a lake cause only jason comes out of that lol but soon when i said that i told everyone to be quite and the trains was speeding really fast in the background (nyc u can hear the trains on the tracks) and i said to my dad and mom the trains are not stopping that means the tsunami is here and soon when i said that the tsunami hit and i woke up out of my dream scared
I had an earthquake and tsunami dream last night. We were in school and we knew earthquake would strike anytime, but it didn’t. I graduated this year.
Next the tsunami , i was at home on the ground floor with my family members and i saw a wave coming. I was a wizard and used magical powers to stop it.
When the 2nd tsunami hit , we all went in the car.
I also saw my grandmother who passed away 15 years ago.
Pls reply
Dear Kate – Thank you for sharing your dream with us.
Did you also read the entry on earthquake? http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/earthquake/.
The way I see your dream is that at first you expect a great change coming your way; graduating school and moving on towards the next stage in life IS a great change.
Your dream then expresses that for some reason you do not allow this change to happen. What did/do you have in mind to do after graduating and why do you use your inner potential to stop you from achieving what you have in mind to do?
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/potential/
Getting in the car with your family members could express how you feel you have to continue to be “driven” or motivated by values, attitudes and emotional or social responses you have absorbed from your family, rather than trying to figure out what it is that you want to do with your life.
From our family we learn most of the positive and negative patterns of relationship and attitudes towards living, which we carry into daily events. For instance father’s uncertainty in dealing with people, or his anxiety in meeting change, may be the roots of our own difficulties in those areas. Or if our mother is unable to develop a feeling contact with us for instance, we will lack the experience of being able to love unless we learn it in other relationships.
The meaning of your grandmother in your dream depends also on the relationship you had with her when she was still alive.
To better understand your inner grandmother, I like you to read this entry too – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/grandmother-grandma/ and perhaps you can use “Being your grandmother” and/or “Talking as your grandmother” to explore for yourself why she appears in your dream?
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson
As you can read in the entry of the grandmother, she could appear to remind you of all that lies beyond all the values, attitudes and emotional or social responses you learned/absorbed from your family members.
Beyond all that you absorbed you can find the source of Life or the Life Will, which is always pushing you towards growth and towards expressing YOUR potential.
We are partly split in half because we are often opposed to what our Life Will in us wants. So the only way to express what is good for us is in dreams when our conscious will is largely passive or we are restricted by being tied down.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/what-we-need-to-remember-about-us-3/#Important
Let me know if you have any further questions Kate.
Anna 🙂
I’ve just had the most awful dream I was at a very nice hotel Riley my son from a previous relationship was playing not to far away I was stood with My partner chatting to some people then all of a sudden I look over and see a huge wave I scream and run to get Riley but it gets him before I can,but luckily pushes him closer to me so I can take his hand I then look behind me to grab My partner and see another wave a lot closer this time and just tell him to put his head down while I cradle My son and protect him. I woke up with the force of the second wave however once I eventually got over the shock of it just being a dream and remembering where Riley and My partner were I closed my eyes again still shaking and feeling sick from the last dream. The next part was me cuddling Riley as he was badly hurt covered in cuts etc so I opened my eyes again as I don’t wanna see my baby boy like that. Overcome with puffy eyes from crying and tiredness I closed them agin this time I was looking for My partner…nowhere…there’s television crews everywhere there talking to me about the tsunami and how I protected my son and people helping look through say they found a body…its Nathan,he didn’t survive. I immediately breakdown wailing and crying.i couldn’t take the upset of seeing him like that so Ive opened my eyes again and haven’t been able to get back to sleep since.
Dear Charlie – The way I see your dream is that you are exploring how to approach and perceive inner change and growth.
Staying in a hotel in a dream can be a symbol of the shifting states of mind which are part of this process, because change means moving from one long established way of thinking and living to something new.
See also http://dreamhawk.com/body-and-mind/every-seven-years-you-change/
Your dream symbolises the growing pains and the death of the old way of living and the way you deal with that.
Perhaps you feel like entering your dream again while awake and explore other ways of perceiving your inner process.
You could for instance see your son Riley in your dream as an aspect of yourself that still has to grow and allow the huge wave to uplift him.
You could explore if you can see Nathan’s death as a symbol of letting go of old ways of dealing with yourself and others.
If you can learn to feel more positive about growth and (inner) change, the process will be perceived as easier.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/secrets-power-dreaming/
Does that give you a start?
Anna 🙂
I had a dream of the ocean I see a big wave coming a tsunami I was by a hotel I went up the stairs looking for my family took them went up up the stairs and I see water coming from the stairs but I don’t see one of my sister she was by the sea I look in the window I see sea water cover everything went up but where I was on the top the water dint come but I saw outside everything distroy but I was safe with some of my family my kids
I have had tsunami dreams for the past 10 years. Very frequently and every tsunami dream is different but involves a tsunami. I had one last night that I can’t stop thinking about. I live in the Bay Area and I was in San Francisco. I was in a tall hotel downtown when without warning a tsunami hit the city. The water started to flood the open windows but didn’t fill up the windows completely. I was okay and my cousin was with me and she was okay too. We didn’t drown. A second wave came but was smaller and didn’t make it to our windows. At that time my mom left to go get coffee during the tsunami and I thought she was gone. Also my father lives close to the ocean and I thought he was gone to. Miraculously they both were downtown and survived and met me in the hotel. Some of my friends and my grandma were gone though from the wave. The dream felt so real I was so distraught. I woke up from my dream and when I went back to sleep again I jumped back into the same dream (that hasn’t happened to me before) it was filled with sadness for half my city was destroyed along with my friends but the closest people in my life were safe. I have no idea what this means. I have no idea why I have tsunami dreams constantly.
I just awoke from what seemed like a never ending tsunami dream. I was in some tropical paradise, swimming in the ocean when I see a cruise ship being pushed along by a tsunami sideways. I decide to swim to higher ground where there are ships docked. As I reach an industrial type boat and climb up on it I see the tsunami approaching the coast. So I enter this ship type thing and see that there are motorcycle looking vehicles with men already strapped on them awaiting the tidal wave to hit. They say to choose wisely because some are attached to nuclear bombs?? After changing my mind twice I decide on a bike and await the wave. As it hits the ship/ container thing we were in is wiped away leaving us hanging from a crane? That is holding up all of us. The men decide it’s funny to mess around and jolt the vehicles around where we keep leaning forward and backward. I freak out and jump off onto a dock below with rats attached to my feet and run towards a nearby restaurant where no one is inside except a waiter and waitress whom I tell my story to. A girl and her brother show up and talks to them. They all sit and talk leaving me outside watching them through the glass.
I apologize for the long entry but any help is greatly appreciated.
Hi had a dream I was walking in thus downtown area and was big tornado forming then it transformed into a tsunami (it was almost touching the clouds) and I ran into this bank with a bunch of people to take cover but my attitude towards the situation was as if I was just going to take my death as is and not be scared…so it came through the bank window i closed my eyes tight water splashed twice but the water came to my waist so I didn’t drown
I had a dream about tsunami just now and it really terrified me. I was talking with one of my good friend then the tsunami attacked us, I managed to survive by going to a higher ground but my friend died. I remember in there I was so depressed and saddened by the pass of my friend. Then 2nd & 3rd tsunami hit, this time we prepared for it and manage to escape it.
Dear Charlene – Your dreams suggests that you are meeting a period of great inner change and the first part of the dream suggests you used the opportunity well.
In many past cultural traditions ascending – as in going to a higher ground – was associated with purification or refinement – as in the ascent to heaven, or a holy mountain. It also suggested becoming more detached, or finding a different perspective. We could see it also as evolution of ourselves to a newer level. Because we often move to a wider view of things, becoming more aware of our situation or surroundings as we get higher, ascending is often linked with change, and perhaps leaving things behind, the dropping away of what occupied you below.
See also http://dreamhawk.com/news/there-is-a-huge-change-happening/
You will have to explore what you associate with the friend who died to be able to understand what you left behind and if this death was inescapable.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/characters-or-people-in-dreams/
Death in a dream might be a symbol of some aspect of your outer or inner life that is fading, or being superseded by a changed approach or attitude.
In the last part of the dream you escaped from the tsunami, but you did not share how. Did you climb to higher ground as well?
Sometimes when we meet inner change “Life asks you” to die to old patterns of living ; to let go of your ‘old self’, or to let go of the traits that limit your awareness to an identity connected only to your body.
You can support your inner growth by entering and exploring this dream (and other dreams) using
Good Luck!
Anna 🙂
I just had a dream last night, my mom, dad and siblings are out by the beach/ water, skies are clear and it was a sunndy day and suddenly there was an earthquake. Then after few minutes, I saw a wave coming. My dream then stopped and shifted to another dream, so I did not see what happened to us. I have been depressed lately coz of a failed relationship. This is the 3rd time I have dreamt of an earthquake, the first just few days before the Nepal disaster. Also this is my 2nd dream regarding tsunami.
Dear Anna – While you perceive your relationship as “failed” your dream suggests that these circumstances are helping you to grow and to meet inner change.
Life is a learning experience and I believe that we do very poorly judging it; so often we judge our greatest advances as failures and some of our deepest retreats we evaluate as success.
See also http://dreamhawk.com/relationship-sex/ages-of-love-2/
So try to become aware what is happening with your relationship with your inner male, for I trust that part of the change and growth occurs on that level.
Please also read http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/archetype-of-the-animus-jungs-view-of-the-male-in-the-female/
Often it takes time for deep changes to be felt consciously for a dream is something that comes from a deep part of you; it is something that is working upwards toward being conscious. As such it often, like a seed, takes time to break through to the surface, and then it has to grow.
But the source of the dream, which is a process of Life, is intelligent in its own way, and will take part in any attempt to communicate. So exploring your dreams by entering into their imagery and attempting to understand them will be a two way process.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/practical-techniques-for-understanding-your-dreams/
Good Luck!
Anna 🙂
I had a dream of a tsunami I was working with a bunch of other people then an alarm went off telling us an tsunami is on its way it was weird cause we all acted like it was a regular thing and I was waiting and waiting for it too hit the last minute I always seem to do this I always run and hide inside a wardrobe then the tsunami hits and everything goes back to normal but in my dream the same thing happens over and over again like Groundhog Day
Dear Mark – Our inner world is indeed sometimes like a fantasy comedy movie 😉
In a way your dream is speeding up the process to wake you up.
“Normally” (what is normal?) people tend to have these recurring dream themes over weeks, months or even years and your dream creator did not seem to want to lose time with that approach; so “the time loop” was created into one dream.
In general dreams recur because there are ways the dreamer habitually responds to their internal or external world. Because their attitude or response is unchanging, the dream that reflects it remains the same. It is noticeable in those who explore their dreams using such techniques as described under processing dreams, that recurring themes disappear or change because the attitudes or habitual anxieties that gave rise to them have been met or transformed.
So there is a way of breaking out of the useless cycle of repetition.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/processing-dreams/
Hearing an alarm in a dream suggests something is trying to get your attention and wanting you to wake up. Basically it is to get your attention to do something – what are you supposed to do?
Your dream expresses that you are not supposed to run and hide in a wardrobe, and so that is not “the key truth” to help you escape from the loop.
Running away and hiding is about avoiding inner change; avoiding inner growth and letting go of beliefs and habits that no longer serve you.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/personal-growth/
A helpful approach to learn to meet this change is using Power Dreaming.
Your dreams are a unique area of self-expression. They are a safe area to experiment and experience things in any way you wish. Often we introvert, or take into our dream life, rules and fears that have no place there. For example, while dreaming, you may fall into the sea and be terrified you will drown. But that is impossible because you are only experiencing images of your feelings and thoughts. All you can do is to feel fear. You can easily breathe under water in a dream, or fly, or die and be re-born. So remove such limitations from your inner life by visualising such changes into your dreams when awake. Imagine yourself being what you can in your dreams. Even passive people who couldn’t stand up for themselves can change as they do this.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/secrets-power-dreaming/
Good Luck!
Anna 🙂
This is the best dream interpretation of a tsunami I’ve found on the net.
I had a tsunami dream the night before last where the approaching tsunami was 20 miles away and was about 30 degrees above the horizon, which would make it about ten miles high. The event that caused it would have been world destroying. I knew no matter what I did I would get hit by it. I tried to encourage the party I was with to run with me to higher ground, but they thought it wasn’t that bad. Then water started coming up the road from a smaller wave and we were a few thousand feet in altitude. I wasn’t afraid but I took of running to higher ground.
I feel we are in for a great world changing event. My life is relatively peaceful and I have no penned up emotions I’m dealing with. I pray everything turns out okay.
Dear Charles – Perhaps your dream is about expanding your awareness; “we were a few thousand feet in altitude. I wasn’t afraid but I took off running to higher ground”.
See also http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/jesse-watkins-experience-of-enlightenment/
So why not explore it?
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/practical-techniques-for-understanding-your-dreams/
Anna 🙂
Oh also, on the same night my husband had a dream that I was very sick/dying of cancer. Our baby boy was also in the dream. He rarely remembers or shares his dreams with me. He has been very nice and helpful today. Yesterday we had fought because he has been getting frustrated and snapping at me which isn’t like him. Especially as I’ve been trying harder to please him but sometimes need a hand with our son or the dogs as I breastfeed. Are our dreams both related to the fight?
Kris – I feel too that your husband is giving his best to deal with this new situation, which is what his dream expresses as well.
He is becoming aware that his INNER female is sick.
Cancer depicts parts of one’s emotional or thinking character that are sick and/or unhealthy. It is possible that as a baby (and child) he never received the care and the love which he needed to develop these nurturing qualities in himself and the birth of his son confronts him with these unhealed parts.
Please read
In general we can say the woman represents the man’s emotions, his nurturing and caring quality, forgiveness, his sense of what is natural and his connection with nature, its cycles and drives. Through such feelings a man would recognise in people and animals the urges that link one to a mate, the strength to protect and nurture children, and the natural within himself.
That your husband remembered his dream AND shared it, I see as another wonderful step.
Anna 🙂
I had a tsunami dream last night. I was working as a nurse (or something like that) in what was a very unconventional hospital. People were laying on the floor instead of beds with no separate rooms, for instance. I went down to what felt like the basement but must have been the ground floor because a wall was missing that led directly to the beach. It was then that I saw the tsunami. I was not afraid but excited and exhilarated by it. This bottom floor also had a pool in it and surrounding the pool were all women with babies. Some very small. Like preemies. I knew I had to get them to safety and that gave me some anxiety. As the wave hit I was rescuing the last preemie and managed to hold on to it. However, after that a new patient, a man who was ill, came down and the baby with him was injured. He refused to allow me to take the child. I was overwhelmed with anger towards him. I wanted to have all the babies safe and be free to enjoy the tsunami myself. I considered stealing his child away from him just to get it to safety. Even after showing him the approaching wave (it had receeded too far back to see for a while) he still refused. In my waking life I have a seven week old son. My first child. Since his birth my husband and I have had more fights than usual generally when I’m asking for assistance with the baby. Do you have any more insight for me? Thanks in advance.
Kris – First of all congratulations on the birth of your son and thank you for sharing about your waking life as well. It makes the work on your dream so much easier. 🙂
You are obviously trying to take care of this new situation that both your husband and you have found yourselves in and I trust some more understanding of your dreams will support your efforts.
I feel that the many premature babies are “partly” symbols of all the new aspects that you both gave birth to, with the birth of your son. They are premature for what you meet in yourself and in each other in your new role as father and mother is still very vulnerable and needs time to grow. So please be patient and kind with your selves and each other.
For a better understanding of these “inner babies” please read http://dreamhawk.com/pregnancy-childbirth/the-baby-in-your-dream/
I wrote “partly” because I feel this symbol of the injured baby is also about you meeting your husband’s injured inner baby; “Since his birth my husband and I have had more fights than usual generally when I’m asking for assistance with the baby”-
Please read http://dreamhawk.com/health-and-healing/inner-baby-and-child/
There are many ways in which we might come face to face with our inner baby or child. These might include the arising in your daily life of inappropriate responses to situations. In a warm and loving relationship you experience only pain instead of pleasure; you feel terror that your partner will abandon you; you hit out emotionally or even physically at the person who is actually closest to you; you withdraw from the world or lack any motivation to be a part of society or be in contact with others; you feel enormous longing to find love, but it never seems to be there when you relate to someone.
Since you want to enjoy the massive changes your son brought into your life, you respond in the dream with the desire to take your husband’s injured baby and take care of it; probably as a means to stop the fighting and find a more harmonious relationship again with each other.
The birth of your son has triggered unresolved issues in both of you and now that they surface, it is not always easy to allow them to be and to see them as opportunities to heal and grow, rather than as disturbing influences; they are all a part of the tsunami and of your new experiences and it will be of help to communicate openly with each other whatever arises inside you.
Although you can assist your husband with his inner process, you cannot do it for him. Please also read Jessica’s dream on the “baby site” of the dream dictionary, as she was confronted with the same:
Anna 🙂