Dream Dictionary


See Postures movement and body  language...More


The experience of anxiety and torment in regard to losing control, or giving up self in some degree as you grow toward greater awareness of your oneness with creation. Example: Then I saw the Christ […]...More

German Germany

The meaning of this in your dream depend upon what you think and feel about Germany and Germans. See Associations Working With If you are travelling in germany in your dream see Foreign countries Because […]...More


I feel that the male lays the eggs and leaves them. He can go to woman after woman and leave his eggs. There may be some connection, but not in the same way as with […]...More


Very often gaps suggests obstacles to get over, such as a gap, such as between something you must jump over. Or there are gaps that promise a way of escape, such as a gap in […]...More

whirlwind twister or vortex

Conflict – energies storming in you causing emotional turmoil. You may be meeting the impact of a past trauma. See: Tornado.  Example: Quickly the huge column of twisting storm moved down the open countryside directly […]...More


Humans frequently correctly predict the future – not out of a bizarre ability, but from the information gathered about the present.  Or we fear the future, or at least our thoughts and worries of what […]...More


The fantasy or make-believe world you can enter to distract your attention from everyday life. It could also suggest a practice run at living or taking risks. Going on a ride might indicate getting involved […]...More

Sensitivity Distance

I have noticed that if one is sensitive to other people’s influence getting a distance between you can be a way to stop the influence. This is not so if one is upset in a […]...More

Frequency of dreams

See Science of dreams...More


The process of life; flow of consciousness into awareness; joy of collective life. A fountain of joy opened in my body, pouring upwards through me. A symbol of emotions and of the unconscious-water-and combined with […]...More


What is fundamental in us is often so deeply buried we are unaware of it. For instance babies raised by animals never learn to speak or to become self aware. They remain an animal with […]...More

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