Dream Dictionary


Barracks This suggests an intimate sharing of your life with others. Also it shows in your dream the complications or problems of this. There can be friendship, enmity, differences and hard feelings. So ask yourself […]...More


Dreaming of an ashram usually means you are on a quest for your core self. You may receive important instructions or lessons from your own highest level – usually shown as a wise being or […]...More

Bug Bugs

They are small things that might still ‘bug’ you. Small irritations or things that might scar you. But some dreams are about how beautiful the bug is or how useful. Also, what are the bugs […]...More

Build Building

build building This suggest that you are or are thinking of creating something new, a new idea or project. Our imagination and mind are constantly building things which show in our dreams as images. Our […]...More

Buildings Hospital

Hospital represents needing or being involved in a healing process of body or mind; worries about ones health. Healing also signifies change, so the hospital may have the difficulties met in making changes. Example: ‘I […]...More


If it is some sort of automobile see car. If it is a child’s buggy see push chair stroller buggy....More


The examples given below show at least three different things dreaming about brothels can mean. The first one depicts how one can feel sexually liberated without guilt. The second one is about expecting to enjoy […]...More


Usually a peaceful feeling that may suggest closeness to nature and life. Example: This was a vivid dream, in brilliant color. I dreamed I was working in a beautiful garden. There was lush vegetation everywhere, […]...More


Anything bright usually is about something more interesting or important. So brighter colours are also about catching your attention and showing a brighter mood or attitude. So anything brightly lit would suggest that it is […]...More

Brick Bricklaying

Many dreams show that brick walls are powerful blocks we find it hard to pass through or deal with. Sometimes they represent attitudes of mind that need changing, or even lack of information or some […]...More

Branch Branches

See branches under trees....More


Display of special qualities; richness of feelings, or feelings connected with the giver. It can also point to augmentation of personality, social attractiveness, charm or amulet. Such things can be seen as women’s magic. For […]...More

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