Dream Dictionary

Bought Buying

See purchasing...More

Bounce Bouncing

bounce bouncing This has many meanings, everything from exhilaration to sexual excitement. It can also suggest that your not settled but bouncing around in you attitudes and responses, like not being able to have a […]...More


See Breasts...More

Bonding Bond

Each person we spend time with, fall in love with, make love with or grow up with, or even animals, we develop an incredible and often invisible bond. For instance many women and men write […]...More


Imprisonment or anchorage. The feelings or links that bind you to others, or to work, or a religion, or set of ideas. One can be in bondage sexually as well, perhaps out of need for […]...More


Animal Situations – Click on that for things like baby animal and fear of animal. But please search for single animals by name – for instance Bear, Lion, Cat, Tiger, Horse and Dog. When we were growing […]...More


Feeling of emptiness in ones life; womb feeling or memories; feelings about the vagina. See: hole...More


These often link to themes of strength or contact with another person in the dream. They express the ability to bear or to carry whatever life brings. Again and again the words ‘head on my […]...More

Internal Organs

Often to do with concerns over health. Could be a sense of illness in that part of body. But mostly such dreams are unfounded anxiety about illness. See separate organs. Example: In the early nineties a […]...More

Back of or Behind

Back of or behind house or barrier etc.: This suggests a more private situation or feeling. It can also indicate intimacy, being less formal, surreptitious, or trying not to be noticed, therefore out of sight, […]...More

Body – Parts of

Dead body; dismembered body can be seen by clicking Body Situations Click the following to quickly find what you are looking for in parts of the body: (Abdomen – Womans Dream – Shot in – Vomit)  (Abscess) (Ache – In […]...More

Body Situations

To quickly find what you are looking for click on the entries below – Looking for body parts click HERE: (Anaesthetised Body)   (Appearance – Smiling – Frowning –  Baby Head on Old Body) (Bodilessness Bodyless)   (Body […]...More

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