Dream Dictionary

Acupuncture Acupuncturist

Giving or receiving some form of healing, or redirection of energies. This may also represent the barbs some people stick into you through their words or deeds. This might also refer to an awareness of […]...More


A desire to have others know something about yourself, or a way of bringing something to your attention; recognition of a need or opportunity. Advertisement for a job: Desire for change; hope of something new; […]...More


The beautiful and self sacrificing side of love; feelings of ‘worshipping’ someone, or desire to be worshipped and adored. Useful questions are: Are you in a self sacrificing relationship? What does this dream depict of […]...More


To be adopted is double sided. It implies either the loss of parents or being rejected or left by them. On the other side it means someone has accepted you and taken you as their […]...More


Feelings showing you without any determining direction or anchor in life, such as family ties, sense of duty, personal motivations or involving interests or relationships etc. If you are willingly adrift, or purposely set something […]...More


But adultery depicts the union with, or giving of innermost feelings to, persons or objects for which you have no committed relationship, or do not have a deep affinity with. Or it may be an […]...More


Desire for improvement in ones life; a sense of confidence in your abilities at the time of the dream, or that you are making headway in a situation or in life generally. In many dreams […]...More

Adventure Adventurous Adventurer

The dream is probably depicting new experiences you are daring to allow yourself, or that circumstances have pushed you into or confronted you with. Perhaps you are making changes within yourself, or in your external […]...More


See: Enemy....More

Advert Advertise Advertisement Advertiser

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Whether the advice is given or received, this usually suggests information you need to think about, and perhaps act upon. Being given advice: What you need to know but perhaps wouldn’t take from someone else; […]...More

Aerial Antenna

This usually shows you what is happening with your intuition or contact with others through subtle means. So you might be tuned in to information or insights that are useful in some way. Your intuition […]...More

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