Dream Dictionary


This depends whether you are of Arab or Islamic ethnicity. If you are then it is depicting an aspect of yourself. If not, then you need to define what your feelings and associations you have […]...More

Archaeologist Archaeology

If you are an archaeologist or involved in the work, then it relates to whatever is concerning or interesting you at the moment. But it will still probably have a more interior meaning. It links […]...More


See: Aim....More


Here is the image of the process or function in us that plans, that designs in a creative and perhaps considering way. It may be about plans for a better or different living condition, or […]...More

Arena Amphitheatre Coliseum

This usually represent the focus of attention on whatever is happening in the arena. It is a mental ability to bring an unimaginable number of associated bits of information and experience together in considering something. […]...More

Argue Argued Arguing

This could refer to something you are feeling conflict about and have different but conflicting feelings about. Or it might show you releasing feelings about someone that you do not tell them to their face. […]...More


This suggests that little or nothing is growing in your life or activities. It may refer specifically to your relationship(s). On occasion it might refer to attempts to conceive. The lack of water also may […]...More


ark An area of yourself that has been shaped by following your innermost urges and intuitions, as opposed to those arising from fear, passion, ambition. Or something can come out of the ark and thus […]...More


Arms usually refer to your ability to love, give, take, create, defend, reach out. Our arms, especially the arm we use most, can also represent all the struggle and effort we have put into life, […]...More


Usually associated with rest or relaxation. A particular armchair might link with certain memories, such as courting or love-making. It might link with a person because of where a family member or friend sat. But […]...More

Armor Armour

The emotional and intellectual rigidity we use to protect ourselves from hurt. Can depict muscular tension which blocks free flowing sexuality and feelings; or our defence systems, such as frantically arguing for our beliefs, or […]...More


(Such as weapons – See: Arm for body limb) Guns, spears, usually symbolise aggressiveness and destructive urges and wishes. Or male sexuality. If you are being attacked they depict your own fear of being hurt […]...More

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