Dream Dictionary


The mind, ideas, memories, past experience; things that are out of sight or forgotten. It suggests things that are out of sight or forgotten but not really unconscious – the sort of thing you knew […]...More


It could mean you are considering the old attitudes and experiences of your life and culture and wondering about their value. Or perhaps seeing if there is anything of value to be taken into the […]...More


If you are leading the action and not one of the audience, it indicates that you have got the attention of many aspects of you, as when you become excited and enthused with an idea, […]...More


To some extent an aunt is a role model. We gather from their success or failure strategies for our own life. Whatever feelings we have about them, whatever we think of them, the dream will […]...More


An expression of the level of your being or mind that extends beyond the narrow confines of your sensory perceptions or intellectual understanding. We know now that our eyesight is only aware of a tiny […]...More


To have Australia in your dream depend almost entirely on whether you have lived there, born there or whether it is an unknown for you. So you need to ask yourself what associations you have […]...More


This may depict a part of yourself that is creative, especially to do with telling the story of your real self, your real inner passions and dreams, your life story. An author in a dream […]...More


Might depict what has arisen in your life out of relationship with father. Or the dream might depict your relationship with authority, or a view of how you use power of authority. See conformity. An […]...More


Virtually all of us have areas of our feelings, or responses to particular situations such as learning or a relationship with the opposite sex, in which we have been hurt or traumatised. These areas or […]...More


See: motorway....More


A symbol of who you are as an outward character. Usually a sign of yourself in someone else’s life. Often indicates a feeling of importance – as when someone asks for your autograph. Trying to […]...More


A habitual and unthinking or unconscious reaction; some aspect of the body’s automatic working, or a view of the body as mechanical instead of alive and intelligent. Or perhaps an unfeeling and automatic relationship with […]...More

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