Dream Dictionary

Cheat Cheated Cheating

Being dishonest with yourself. Not living up to your real feelings. Feelings about being betrayed or your trust abused in some way. But such dreams can occur to any woman. especially with ex’s. Dreamers often […]...More


This may refer to the fact that part of your being is chemical. So it might refer to the chemical interactions in you through food or drugs you put into our mouth; or to the […]...More

Chemist Pharmacy

This is usually connected with health concerns, what the body needs, or some form of healing. The pharmacist can be similar to doctor – wisdom about self, insight into self. But also someone who understands […]...More

Cheque Check

This might represent a promise, or something unredeemed that is of value or has potential. It could even be a bad cheque, a promise that was never meant to be kept. See: Money. Are you giving […]...More


See: Bill....More


This probably represents the skills and strategies you use in meeting the circumstances of your life. It may also point to careful scheming or planning to win, or to defeat an opponent. Often this is […]...More


Sometimes this points to a connection with your physical chest. But most often it shows what emotions, what memories and passions you are storing within you, literally in your chest. You may hide precious and […]...More

Chew chewed chewing

Often to savour or enjoy something, but also to think something over, to analyse or break it down in order to absorb it. To sample something, or take it into yourself as a feeling, an […]...More


If being eaten suggests nourishment. Otherwise a female, or the female in a male; being ‘chicken’ or scared. See: Birds. If you know chickens and have watched and reared them you will have other associations, […]...More


This is a reference either to your own babyhood. or feelings or events associated with it, or even to your external baby or babies. This may at times point to vulnerable people or assets. Example: […]...More


“The message from my father, “You are a bright kid,” left open the freedom, creativity, and ener­getic resources of my Child Ego State. The Child is the most “real self” as well as the strong­est […]...More


The emergence of a new part of yourself, perhaps difficult to give life to. Bringing to consciousness a new part of you that has been developing but remained previously unexpressed. This may also refer to […]...More

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