Dream Dictionary


This may refer to your sense of connection with other people, duties, or the restrictions or disciplines you place upon yourself. The clock can sometimes represent your span of life, and the ticking, your heart […]...More

Close Closed Closing

To shut out, divide, not wish to know, feel or experience. Fear of being entered, fear of sex. But also protection and privacy, or even decision making if you close a door against someone or […]...More


See: Wardrobe....More


clothes – The first part of this entry is a general description of the meaning of clothes. Then there is the Clothes situations. For separate items like shirt, dress, socks etc please click on: Clothes […]...More

Cloud Clouds

Clouds are in dreams often happen where feelings of upliftment or religious feelings occur. If the clouds are dull, then it suggests worry or depression of some kind that is obscuring your best feelings. Sometimes […]...More


This can suggest anything from feelings of foolishness and playfulness, to feeling stupid or idiotic, perhaps even treated as inadequate. The clown tends to take the most ridiculous or tragic course of actions, so at […]...More


Money, good luck, energy. Ancient unconscious knowledge you have brought to the surface. Such wisdom needs to be unfolded from the symbol by exploring the feelings and ideas connected with the image. It can also indicate […]...More

Coat Jacket

The coat often depicts the ‘self’ we use in public. For instance we might be shy in public but very warm with a single friend. A coat or jacket, if it has pockets, can also […]...More


See: Snake....More


Warning, aggressiveness, masculinity, male sex organ. See: Birds. A male or the male sexual characteristics; confidence. This can signify feelings of being a strutting proud male. It is often used in dreams to indicate maleness, […]...More


Many drinks represent a stimulus similar to alcohol, with its property of changing the way you feel and how you act. They release energy, emotions, change feelings, and can thus be associated with spirit. An […]...More


This is nearly always a reminder of one’s own mortality. So it often points to  your thoughts and feelings about death, as these are often in the background of our mind, and dreaming of a […]...More

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