Dream Dictionary


Basically this is about feeling exposed. This may be desirable or undesirable depending upon what you feel in your dream. It can indicate a desire to be attractive and noticed – as in the example, […]...More


This is an indication of your state of inner pressure or emotional climate. It can also depict what you sense of coming events or situations. Clearly about the changes of mood and feelings that are […]...More


barricade We can barricade ourselves from thoughts, from emotions, fro actions from outside or from within. Example: The change had torn that away, leaving her separated from everything she had known. It was a devastating […]...More


bar tender This depends whether male or female. Also depends on your relationship with alcohol. If you drink frequently, then it possibly relates to the feelings that lead to drinking. Other possibilities are sociability; loneliness. See: Woman; Man; Roles. […]...More

Basement Downstairs

This part of the house is often used in dreams, and represents hidden motives, part of us that is barely known and so is often can the unconscious, so the unknown feelings, memories or past […]...More


Bat used in a game. The flying bat is often associated with the devil or vampires, night or death. It is a creature that can see in the dark, lives in caves, and so is […]...More

Bath Bathing

For many people the bath links with feelings of being able to relax and spend time alone without demands from other people. Therefore it indicates relaxation; cleansing; wanting to ‘come clean’ or be rid of […]...More


If you are from the USA going to the bathroom can mean you want to use the toilet, in which case see toilet – or maybe you need to wash or have a shower or […]...More


Ones resources of energy or vitality. Problems with the battery might depict health difficulties or even worries about heart weakness. But dreams are a magic mirror that reflects our inner state and world. So any […]...More

Battle Battlefield

This suggests either an internal conflict such as caused by struggles with ones own emotions or sexuality, or an emotional battle going on with someone else. It may be something you are fighting for; feeling […]...More


Similar to beach, but the crescent shape sometimes depicts a woman’s sexuality and openness to mating; receptiveness. The bay is an area or environment in which you are near to the sea, suggesting awareness of […]...More


See: Arms....More

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