Dream Dictionary

Bicycle Cycling

Personal effort or motivation which gets you somewhere. For many people a bicycle was their first experience of mastering a body skill and gaining greater freedom. In your dream it might therefore represent youthful freedom […]...More

Big Bigness Huge

If something is very large in a dream, it usually denotes the emotional and mental impact of the thing, as ‘It was a big thing in my life. It was bigger than both of us.’ Important; […]...More


To receive a bill often symbolises a bill of reckoning. In other words, something you have done or thought, is now producing consequences that have to be paid for. For USA Bill, See: Money; cheque. […]...More


Most games, in their winning and losing, their tactics, skill, luck, represent the game of life, with its difficulties, triumphs and despairs. May also represent sexual intercourse. See: Games. Your aims and ambitions; aiming at […]...More


Being able to see something or someone more clearly; the ability to pry into someone else’s life; taking in ones environment and possibilities. It might at times also suggest looking ahead or into the future […]...More

Bird Birds

This a big entry and is in three parts, the general information first part. The second Bird Situations – and the third Different Birds. The life cycle of a bird has so many similarities with […]...More


When we were born, one world of experience ended for us and another began. When we witness the birth of a new child, we see a new beginning, the emergence of a new being and […]...More


Good feelings about yourself; feeling recognised and warmth regarding friends. Depending on the activities and theme of the dream it might also suggest a change happening; a special time when good things or favours can […]...More


The innate qualities you are born with, but may never receive, or unfold in life....More


Pleasure, perhaps connected with childhood. If you are making the biscuits, it might suggest caring for your own needs or those of other people. See: Cookie....More


This is the colour of the night, and so because it links with absence of light, opens us to what we can’t see or deal with in the dark – in what is ‘in the […]...More


Something, perhaps intuition, emerging from the unconscious. Bad news. Sometimes thought of as messengers of the dead. See: Birds....More

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