Dream Dictionary


The part of us that lives off the lives or efforts of others, instead of producing for ourselves. This might occasionally depict a problem with your diet. People often dream of eating their own flesh […]...More


An explosive possibility or a defensive feeling or action. It might therefore refer to old attitudes or ways that you defend yourself from attack or criticism. It can also refer to desires to attack others. […]...More


See: Boat....More


See: Valley....More


See: Hat....More


A capital city can represent the core values, social order and culture the nation has developed – good or ill. It can also mean the living centre of you, a great power in your life. […]...More


The daring, doing, positive side of self; how we relate to father figures or dominant male authoritative men; the side of our nature that is capable or is in touch with the wider issues in […]...More


Fear of or feelings of being bound or subject to other people, or trapped by circumstances, marriage, or work. Guilt about deeds or desires, or a prisoner of moral beliefs, ideas, opinions or emotions, depending […]...More


Cars are such an enormously important and frequent part of modern life they represent all manner of things. But they particularly depict ability and opportunity. That is, ability to move around freely, and the opportunities […]...More

Cards Playing

Basically an interaction with others unless you are playing solitaire. It can depict the game of life in which you win or lose, or are an observer. If you regularly play cards, then it can […]...More


This depicts your ability to shape desires or ideas, and how you build something in your life from raw materials. It illustrates your power of reasoning, and how your control emotion. See: Wood; tree; Roles. […]...More


Sometimes depicts one’s financial state, bare floorboards being poverty. So it can be the colour or design that are important, or the comfort or lack of it in life – do you feel satisfied with […]...More

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