Dream Dictionary

Headmaster Headmistress

A headmaster/Mistress in your dream is an authority figure and can be a source of great wisdom or of great misery. The wisdom can be seen from the examples, the misery often through criticism which […]...More

Tights Pantyhose

In most dreams they are shown as being on or off. When on they suggest a barrier between easy release of tension in going to the toilet, or experiencing sexual release. When off they suggest […]...More


Sometimes similar to negligee but less sexual in its associations. See Associations Working With; pyjamas It is often shown in dreams as being not dressed for the occasion. Example: She says she needs some help from me […]...More


This links with all those things we associate with bed, with sleep, with being undressed without protective clothing, and perhaps with being sexually attractive and available. This latter means not only actually feeling sexual and […]...More

Knickers Panties

Mostly associated with the most intense feelings about sex, about being female, menstruation and also covering the genitals. But often covering in a way to entice a male’s sexual attention. In a male dream the […]...More

Jersey Pullover Sweater

The style, period and colour of the jersey or sweater are important in understanding what your dream is depicting. There is also a difference in what the jersey means in a male or female dream. […]...More


This often suggests an attitude of casualness, or relaxed social situation. This also depends on the condition of the jeans. If you only wore jeans at a certain period of your life then they indicate […]...More

Hospital Gown

This may suggest there is some sort of healing process at work in your life at the moment. If not that then there is need for care or an involvement with hospital or sickness in […]...More


Hospital represents needing or being involved in a healing process of body or mind; worries about ones health. Healing also signifies change, so the hospital may also mean the difficulties met in making changes. Example: […]...More


This will depend on what is being done with the brassier in the dream, and what part it plays. But some general associations are that is a means to enhance attractiveness; to hide ageing breasts; […]...More

Underwear underclothes knickers panties

Intimate or shy feelings, sexual feelings,  sexual excitement or desire,  or conversely, repugnance, difficult feelings about sex or oneself. Feelings or personal things you keep hidden from others. These can also be used to express […]...More

Bathing Costume

See swimsuit-bikini...More

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