Dream Dictionary

Ascending Ascent

Whether the ascending is in a lift, flying or climbing a hill, it can link to the rising feelings of passion or sexual pleasure, or the transition from expressing energy genitally to expressing it in […]...More


Restraint of physical desires, usually in an attempt to realise inner self, but often from inner personal conflicts with such things as sexual urges or anxieties. Conflict with natural drives; desire to be less dominated […]...More

Ash Ashes

What remains in your experience, perhaps as memory or wisdom, after the event or person has gone. Purification. Something that once moved you or troubled you, but the feelings have burnt themselves out; death or […]...More

Ash Tree

Because if its fantastic power of growth and survival it often represent your own personal growth and ability to survive and thrive despite attacks. It has been linked in past ages with protection of children. […]...More


The basic life processes in the body, which uphold or carry us through the years; the plodding long suffering body; foolishness, a sort of living on whims and fancies, or being used and abused by […]...More


This might link with hidden desires in you to kill certain parts of yourself. For instance sometimes a person destroys their own best interests or creations. The assassin might also show the feelings you hide […]...More

Ass Or Donkey

The basic life processes in the body, which uphold or carry us through the years; the plodding long suffering body. Foolishness, a sort of living on whims and fancies, or being used and abused by […]...More


See: Helper....More


If you suffer asthma then the dream will probably be illustrating something about the physical or psychological cause of your condition. Otherwise it probably depicts feelings to do with struggling to survive, or being smothered […]...More


BODY See: astral body....More

Astrologer Astrology

The dream astrologer often represents your intuition or unconscious insights into yourself and others. There may also be a link with a sense of destiny or direction. But perhaps you associate astrology with hocus pocus, […]...More


This points to attitudes or feelings, perhaps even ideas, that can take you beyond the ordinary view you have of life and yourself. There is also a suggestion you are feeling the courage to grow […]...More

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