Dream Dictionary


Fundamental nourishment; our basic emotional and biological needs, but also as in ‘give us this day our daily bread’ it also means our daily needs for survival. It can also suggest substance in the sense […]...More

Break Breaking Breakup

This can suggest the ending of something if an object or thing is broken, or it can link with the strength or weakness of a situation or relationship, as suggested by the words ‘break-up’. Depending […]...More

Breasts Breastfeeding

In general the breast represents a giving of oneself, or of ones sexual pleasure. But at the most fundamental level it is LIFE ITSELF. Having watched and even help in the birth of babies I […]...More

Breath Breathing

Breathing links with being alive and in a normal state of awareness. The speed, ease or difficulty in breathing point to pace of life and your emotional state – i.e. peaceful or disturbed; holding on […]...More


This usually relates to feelings about or desire for marriage; love; receptivity and fertility; or integrating parts of your personality previously not expressed. The bride also depicts ones soul – the open and receptive qualities […]...More


This can indicate a desire to be married or find a partner. It often shows the dreamer gradually meeting his female half. See Archetype of the Anima Female dream: Meeting or relating to the groom […]...More


See: Glowing; Light....More


See: Badge....More


The word or image of something broken enters into many areas of our life. It can be about a relationship, something in a house that might indicate a physical situation, a piece of equipment, a […]...More


See: River....More

Broom Brush

An effort to clean away irritating or old thoughts and feelings or things such as influences that are still in your life from the past. It usually links with efforts to clean up your thoughts […]...More


Oneself, or the denied part of self, meeting whatever is met in the dream. These may include rivalry, anger, feelings of persecution, love and admiration, authority, or an outgoing ability to deal with the world. […]...More

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