Dream Dictionary / B

Bubble Illusion. Something delicate and easily lost such as day dreams. Sometimes it depicts the transitory human existence. If on the skin it can suggest injury or the site of poison or hurt – perhaps old […] More Brute Brutal Brutality This may hide experiences of pain during your youth or childhood. Sometimes it replays scenes of violence witnessed or felt. More Brown As a mood this can depict gloominess, dullness or even depression. But it depends what is brown in the dream so it can refer to the earth or earthiness and processes of the body. A […] More Brow Forehead This usually refers to thoughts, especially clear and insightful realisations. In some dreams there is a mark or even a swelling in the middle of the brow. This indicates the ability to be aware of […] More Brother Oneself, or the denied part of self, meeting whatever is met in the dream. These may include rivalry, anger, feelings of persecution, love and admiration, authority, or an outgoing ability to deal with the world. […] More Brothel The examples given below show at least three different things dreaming about brothels can mean. The first one depicts how one can feel sexually liberated without guilt. The second one is about expecting to enjoy […] More
Broom Brush An effort to clean away irritating or old thoughts and feelings or things such as influences that are still in your life from the past. It usually links with efforts to clean up your thoughts […] More Brook See: River. More Brook Usually a peaceful feeling that may suggest closeness to nature and life. Example: This was a vivid dream, in brilliant color. I dreamed I was working in a beautiful garden. There was lush vegetation everywhere, […] More Brooch See: Badge. More Broken The word or image of something broken enters into many areas of our life. It can be about a relationship, something in a house that might indicate a physical situation, a piece of equipment, a […] More Bright See: Glowing; Light. More
Bright Anything bright usually is about something more interesting or important. So brighter colours are also about catching your attention and showing a brighter mood or attitude. So anything brightly lit would suggest that it is […] More Bridge Bridging The bridge often has the significance of crossing or moving from one phase of life, activity or emphasis to another. So it can be used to represent leaving youth behind and meeting old age. It […] More Bridegroom This can indicate a desire to be married or find a partner. It often shows the dreamer gradually meeting his female half. See Archetype of the Anima Female dream: Meeting or relating to the groom […] More Bride This usually relates to feelings about or desire for marriage; love; receptivity and fertility; or integrating parts of your personality previously not expressed. The bride also depicts ones soul – the open and receptive qualities […] More Brick Bricklaying Many dreams show that brick walls are powerful blocks we find it hard to pass through or deal with. Sometimes they represent attitudes of mind that need changing, or even lack of information or some […] More Breath Breathing Breathing links with being alive and in a normal state of awareness. The speed, ease or difficulty in breathing point to pace of life and your emotional state – i.e. peaceful or disturbed; holding on […] More
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